Introduction to Philosophy

  • Coming Soon

    Nicomachean Ethics

    Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics is a book of enduring relevance that aims to answer the question of how human beings should live. Much, however, has changed…

  • Socratic Dialogues

    These five dialogues depict the life, death, and philosophical methods of Socrates, as portrayed by his student and philosophical successor, Plato. Meno offers some of…

  • The Prince

    Provocative, brutally honest, and timeless, Machiavelli’s The Prince is one of the most important yet misunderstood writings in history. In it, Machiavelli lays bare the…

  • The Broadview Introduction to Philosophy: Concise Edition

    The concise edition of The Broadview Introduction to Philosophy offers 44 historical and contemporary readings on core topics in Western philosophy, including philosophy of religion,…

  • Ways of Being in the World

    Ways of Being in the World is an anthology of the Indigenous philosophical thought of communities across Turtle Island, offering readings on a variety of…

  • On the Genealogy of Morality

    On the Genealogy of Morality is a history of ethics, a text about interpreting that history, and a primer on interpretation in general. It also…

  • Knowing Reality

    Knowing Reality is a guided introduction to metaphysics and epistemology. Each of the book’s twelve chapters contains extended excerpts from influential historical and contemporary philosophers,…

  • Experiencing Philosophy – Second Edition

    Experiencing Philosophy begins with the assumption that philosophy is not merely something you know but also something you experience and participate in. The book presents…

  • Discourse on Method

    The Discourse on the Method for Reasoning Well and for Seeking Truth in the Sciences offers a concise presentation and defense of René Descartes’s method…

  • Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy

    This volume provides new translations of René Descartes’s two most important philosophical works. The Discourse offers a concise presentation and defense of Descartes’s method of…

  • Philosophical Adventures

    Philosophical Adventures is a clear, concise introduction to philosophy, covering an engaging set of topics: reasoning, free will, religious belief, ethics, well-being, politics, and education.…

  • The Broadview Introduction to Philosophy Volume I: Knowledge and Reality

    This volume of The Broadview Introduction to Philosophy offers a thoughtful selection of readings in epistemology, metaphysics, and the philosophy of religion. Substantial selections from…

  • The Broadview Introduction to Philosophy Volume II: Values and Society

    This volume of The Broadview Introduction to Philosophy offers an intriguing selection of readings on ethics, social-political philosophy, and issues of life, death, and happiness.…

  • The Broadview Introduction to Philosophy

    The Broadview Introduction to Philosophy is a comprehensive anthology that surveys core topics in Western philosophy, including philosophy of religion, theories of knowledge, metaphysics, ethics,…

  • Thomas Aquinas: Basic Philosophical Writing

    This volume contains new translations of the essential philosophical writings of Thomas Aquinas, from the Summa Theologiae and The Principles of Nature. The included texts…

  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Fundamental Political Writings

    This classroom edition includes On the Social Contract, the Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts, the Discourse on the Origins of Inequality, and the…

  • Philosophical Problems

    Peter Alward’s rigorous introductory text functions as a roadmap for students, laying out the key issues, positions, and arguments of academic philosophy. The book covers…

  • For the Sake of Argument

    Academic philosophy can be puzzling to newcomers. The conventions, terms, and expectations entrenched among philosophers aren’t always clear from the outside. Why are philosophers so…

  • Introducing Philosophy: Knowledge and Reality

    This book introduces the central issues of metaphysics and epistemology, from skepticism, justification, and perception to universals, personal identity, and free will. Though topically organized,…

  • Utilitarianism – Ed. Bailey

    Utilitarianism is a classic work of ethical theory, arguably the most persuasive and comprehensible presentation of this widely influential position. While he didn’t invent utilitarianism,…

  • The Apology and Related Dialogues

    Socrates, one of the first of the great philosophers, left no written works. What survives of his thought are second-hand descriptions of his teachings and…

  • Happy Lives, Good Lives

    Happy Lives, Good Lives offers a thorough introduction to a variety of perspectives on happiness. Among the questions at issue: Is happiness only a state…

  • Theories of Happiness: An Anthology

    Theories of Happiness: An Anthology introduces readers to many difficult philosophical questions surrounding the concept of happiness. With historical and contemporary readings in philosophy, psychology,…

  • On Liberty – Ed. Kahn

    In this work, Mill reflects on the struggle between liberty and authority and defends the view that “the only purpose for which power can be…