Permissions and Alternative Format Requests
Permission for Reuse
Books, magazines, etc: If you wish to reuse Broadview material in a book or other publication, please contact us. Be sure to include details such as title, author(s)/editor(s), ISBN, and page numbers of the Broadview publication from which you wish to reprint, as well as the title, author(s)/editor(s), projected date of publication, price, print run, and projected length of the volume in which the work is to be reprinted.
Coursepacks: If you wish to use Broadview-controlled material in a print coursepack created through your institution, we can normally grant permission at a fee of 12 cents per student per page. When requesting such permission, please provide the name of the course, the semester, and the number of copies that will be printed (i.e., the number of enrolled students). Please note that this policy applies to print coursepacks only; for digital coursepacks or materials distributed through Learning Management Systems, please see below.
Permission for material that Broadview has reprinted from another source: Broadview can only grant permission to reuse material to which it controls copyright. If you wish to use material that has been reprinted in a Broadview publication but which was originally published elsewhere, please contact the copyright holder of the original work (this information is most often provided in a Permissions Acknowledgments section of the Broadview book in which the work is republished). If the material you wish to use includes a mix of previously published text as well as additional text originating in the Broadview publication (such as introductions, headnotes, or explanatory notes), then permission is required both from the original copyright holder and from Broadview.
All requests for the reuse and reprinting of Broadview material should be directed to:
Jacqueline Kwan
Permissions Coordinator
Custom Course Texts and Learning Management Systems
Custom Texts: We can easily create custom texts containing material from one or more Broadview publications. This may be appropriate if you wish to use only some parts of a Broadview book, or if you wish to combine material from multiple Broadview books. Custom texts can be provided in either print or digital format. More information is provided on our custom text FAQ page.
Posting on a Learning Management System (LMS): If you wish to use Broadview material in an LMS such as Canvas or Blackboard, we can arrange this through the creation of a digital custom text. This can then be distributed to students either through direct purchases or through an Inclusive Access arrangement by which all enrolled students receive immediate access.
For further information, or to arrange for the creation of a custom text, please contact:
Tara Bodie
Custom Text Coordinator
Alternative Format Requests
We are happy to provide digital versions of our books for readers with disabilities. Such requests must be made by an institution such as the CNIB (in Canada) or NFB (in the USA), by an Accessibility Centre at a recognized college or university, or by an accredited instructor. Please include in your request the name of your institution, the name and dates of the course for which the text is required (if applicable), and the title, author, and ISBN of the book requested.
To submit a request for a text in an alternative format, please contact:
Jacqueline Kwan
Permissions Coordinator