Jane Austen

  • Pride and Prejudice – Second Edition

    Elizabeth Bennet is Austen’s most liberated and appealing heroine, and Pride and Prejudice has remained over most of the past two centuries Austen’s most popular…

  • Jane Austen’s Manuscript Works

    When Jane Austen died, at the age of 41, she left behind her not only six novels but a large number of manuscripts, ranging from…

  • Emma

    Jane Austen’s Emma (1816) tells the story of the coming of age of Emma Woodhouse, “handsome, clever, and rich,” who “had lived nearly twenty-one years…

  • Northanger Abbey – Second Edition

    First accepted by a publisher in 1803, Northanger Abbey was eventually published posthumously in 1818. In it Austen weaves a romance full of suspense and…

  • Mansfield Park

    Mansfield Park is Jane Austen’s darkest, and most complex novel. In contrast to the confident and vivacious heroines of Emma and Pride and Prejudice, its…

  • Sense and Sensibility

    Jane Austen’s first published novel, Sense and Sensibility, is a witty satire of the sentimental novel, a popular genre in Britain throughout the 1790s and…

  • Persuasion

    For her last novel’s plot, Austen returns to the tensions of inheritance; but the once satisfactory solution—security on a landed estate—no longer applies. Here, Anne,…

  • Broadview Online: Jane Austen in Context

    Jane Austen in Context is a flexible and user-friendly online research tool that provides classrooms with a wide range of materials for the study of…

  • Jane Austen Package A

    Package ISBN: 9781554023189 / 1554023181 This Broadview bundle offers the following Austen titles at a discounted package price: Mansfield Park, edited by June Sturrock (ISBN: 978-1-55111-098-1)…

  • Jane Austen Package B

    Package ISBN: 9781488112461 / 1488112460 This Broadview bundle offers the following Austen titles at a discounted package price: Emma, edited by Kristin Flieger Samuelian (ISBN:…

  • Jane Austen Package C

    Package ISBN: 9781488112478 / 1488112479 This Broadview bundle offers the following Austen titles at a discounted package price: Emma, edited by Kristin Flieger Samuelian (ISBN:…