Topics in Social Philosophy

  • Racism, Hypocrisy, and Bad Faith: A Moral Challenge to the America I Love

    The election of President Donald Trump, through his campaign of race-baiting, sexual harassment, and blatant disregard for human decency, lowered the moral bar of American…

  • Thinking Through Food

    This book offers a wide-ranging yet concise introduction to the many philosophical issues surrounding food production and consumption. It begins with discussions of the metaphysics,…

  • Technology and Society: A Philosophical Guide

    Technology and Society provides an up-to-date introduction to the basic issues that have come to define the philosophy of technology: What is “technology”? Does technology…

  • Racial Realities and Post-Racial Dreams

    Silver medalist for the IPPY award for Current Events in 2016! Racial Realities and Post-Racial Dreams is a moral call, a harkening and quickening of…

  • Philosophizing About Sex

    Ancient Greek philosophers, medieval theologians, Enlightenment thinkers, and contemporary humanists alike have debated all aspects of human sexuality, including its purpose, permissibility, normalcy, and risks.…

  • Victims and Victimhood

    Who is a victim? Considerations of innocence typically figure in our notions of victimhood, as do judgments about causation, responsibility, and harm. Those identified as…

  • Propaganda and the Ethics of Persuasion – Second Edition

    This book develops a sophisticated account of propaganda and its intriguing history. It begins with a brief overview of Western propaganda, including Ancient Greek theories…

  • The Morality of War – Second Edition

    The first edition of The Morality of War was one of the most widely-read and successful books ever written on the topic. In this second…

  • Globalization and International Development

    This new anthology offers a wide selection of readings addressing the contemporary moral issues that arise from the division between the Global North and South—“the…

  • Sexual Harassment

    Sexual Harassment: An Introduction to the Conceptual and Ethical Issues covers the most important normative, conceptual, and legal issues associated with sexual harassment. Keith Dromm…

  • The Immorality of Punishment

    In The Immorality of Punishment Michael Zimmerman argues forcefully that not only our current practice but indeed any practice of legal punishment is deeply morally…

  • Nonviolence, Peace, and Justice

    This book takes a philosophical approach to questions concerning violence, war, and justice in human affairs. It offers the reader a broad introduction to underlying…

  • Lessons of Kosovo

    International law makes it explicit that states shall not intervene militarily of otherwise in the affairs of other states; it is a central principle of…

  • Humanitarian Intervention

    International law makes it explicit that states shall not intervene militarily or otherwise in the affairs of other states; it is a central principle of…

  • Human Rights

    Winner: 2002 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award What are human rights? What justifies us in believing we have them? What are rights-holders and duty-bearers? Who…

  • The Subjection of Women

    This volume of The Subjection of Women provides a reliable text in an inexpensive edition, with explanatory notes but no additional editorial apparatus.