Poetry Editions

  • Ethics

    Spinoza’s Ethics is one of the most fascinating and systematic works of European philosophy—but also among the most challenging. Due to both the metaphysical complexities…

  • Walt Whitman: Selected Poetry and Prose

    This compact edition offers a substantial selection of Whitman’s writing. Highlights include the full text of the 1855 Preface to Leaves of Grass, the 1855…

  • A Doll’s House

    This edition of one of the Western canon’s most iconic plays brings back into print the pivotal 1890 translation by William Archer. It was this…

  • Modern Love

    The Victorian writer George Meredith completed Modern Love, his most famous poem, in the months following his wife’s death in 1861. The series of 16-line…

  • Charlotte Smith: Major Poetic Works

    Immensely popular with contemporary readers, Smith’s major poetic works are foundational texts of the Romantic period. Smith’s innovations in poetic form have also placed her…

  • Manfred

    The quintessential depiction of the Byronic hero is accompanied in this edition by a substantial selection of contextual materials, including Byron’s original draft of the…

  • The Life of Mr Richard Savage

    The Life of Mr Richard Savage was the first important book by a then-unknown Grub Street hack, Samuel Johnson. Richard Savage (1697—1743) was a poet,…

  • Poems, in Two Volumes

    Published seven years after William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s popular collection Lyrical Ballads, Wordsworth’s Poems, in Two Volumes shocked readers and drew scornful reviews.…

  • Peru and Peruvian Tales

    Helen Maria Williams’s epic poem Peru, first published in 1784, movingly recounts the story of Francisco Pizarro’s brutal conquest and exploitation of the Incas and…

  • In Memoriam

    Published in 1850, In Memoriam won its author the Poet Laureateship of Britain and received widespread attention from critics and reviewers, as well as from…

  • Alfred, Lord Tennyson: Selected Poetry

    A century ago Tennyson had begun to be dismissed as a poet whose work embodied everything the modern world was looking to leave behind. He…

  • Samson Agonistes and Other Poems

    In Samson Agonistes, Milton’s last great work, he addresses questions that pressed insistently on the imagination of all who were unhappy with the changes wrought…

  • Edgar Allan Poe: Selected Poetry and Tales

    Edgar Allan Poe’s stories and poems are among the most haunting and indelible in American literature, but critics for decades persisted in seeing Poe as…

  • Paradise Lost

    John Milton’s epic story of cosmic rebellion and the beginning of human history has long been considered one of the greatest and most gripping narratives…

  • The Waste Land and Other Poems

    This volume brings together the full contents of Prufrock and Other Observations (1917), Poems (1920), and The Waste Land (1922), together with an informative introduction…

  • Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Selected Poems

    One of the leading poets of the nineteenth century, Elizabeth Barrett Browning had a profound influence on her contemporaries and on writers that followed her.…

  • Michael Field: The Poet

    “Michael Field” was the literary pseudonym of two women, Katharine Bradley (1846-1914) and her niece Edith Cooper (1862-1913). The women were poets, playwrights, diarist, and…

  • Lydia Sigourney

    Lydia Huntley Sigourney (1791–1865) was the most widely read and respected pre-Civil War American woman poet in the English-speaking world. In a half-century career, Sigourney…

  • Trilby

    Du Maurier’s Trilby was the novel sensation of the 1890s. Du Maurier had spent a good deal of his life as a child and later…

  • The Siege of Valencia

    This parallel text edition of Felicia Hemans’s important dramatic poem presents the 1823 publication alongside a transcription of the original manuscript, offering a unique glimpse…

  • The Ring and the Book

    In June, 1860, Browning purchased an “old yellow book” from a bookstall in Florence. The book contained legal briefs, pamphlets, and letters relating to a…

  • Augusta Webster: Portraits and Other Poems

    Augusta Webster was very widely praised in her own time—Christina Rossetti thought her “by far the most formidable” woman poet. Her work has again come…

  • Mary Robinson: Selected Poems

    Mary Robinson’s work has begun again to assume a central place in discussions of Romanticism. A writer of the 1790’s—a decade which saw the birth…