This compact edition offers a substantial selection of Whitman’s writing. Highlights include the full text of the 1855 Preface to Leaves of Grass, the 1855 text of the poem later titled “Song of Myself,” the complete “Live Oak, with Moss” sequence, numerous selections from the 1881 edition of Leaves of Grass, and several samples of Whitman’s early and late prose. The appendices include nineteenth-century reviews of Leaves of Grass, a selection of illustrations showing Whitman’s design choices for various editions of the book, and numerous portraits of the author.
This volume is one of a number of editions that have been drawn from the pages of the acclaimed Broadview Anthology of American Literature. The series is designed to make selections from the anthology available in a format convenient for use in a wide variety of contexts; each edition features an introduction and explanatory footnotes, and is designed to meet the needs of today’s students.
This edition departs from most other editions in the series in one important respect—its format. The large page size of the edition facilitates the reading of Whitman’s long lines of verse.
“Broadview and its editors have pulled off a minor miracle: It is terribly difficult to anthologize Whitman’s works well, and yet they’ve managed to avoid all the usual pitfalls, presenting the poet and his selected works in all their dazzling complexity and context, and providing readers perhaps the most compact, informative, and well-designed Whitman anthology I’ve seen printed this century. This book is destined to be a quintessential compendium, one to celebrate and sing.” — Zachary Turpin, University of Idaho
“With thoughtful annotations and illuminating context[ual materials], this edition is sure to interest experienced Whitman scholars and novices alike. It offers an accessible introduction to Whitman in all of his complexity, inviting readers into his vast and conflicting world. Careful not to oversimplify the ‘American bard,’ this edition instead offers us kaleidoscopic glimpses into Whitman as Civil War nurse, newspaper editor, political activist, racist, Abraham Lincoln elegist, travel writer, Manifest Destiny champion, patriot, lover, and more. Here Whitmanians will find new texts, angles, images, and provocations to enrich their scholarship. Meanwhile, newcomers to Whitman will find in this volume a writer whose words still resonate today.” — Abby Goode, Plymouth State University
Comments on The Broadview Anthology of American Literature
“[A] remarkable collection with good online teaching aids, stunning visuals, and a powerful emphasis on the inclusion of voices from every part of America.” — Abram Van Engen, Early American Literature
“The Broadview Anthology of American Literature is, quite simply, a breakthrough. … Meticulously researched and expertly assembled, this anthology should be the new gold standard for scholars and teachers alike.” — Michael D’Alessandro, Duke University
“I am eager to teach with this anthology! It aligns with cutting-edge research through its selections, its introductions, and explanatory notes, and the texts are supplemented with primary documents that encourage teachers and students to think critically and dynamically.” — Koritha Mitchell, The Ohio State University