Showing 193–216 of 984 resultsSorted by latest
The Broadview Introduction to Philosophy Volume II: Values and Society
This volume of The Broadview Introduction to Philosophy offers an intriguing selection of readings on ethics, social-political philosophy, and issues of life, death, and happiness.…
The Broadview Introduction to Philosophy
The Broadview Introduction to Philosophy is a comprehensive anthology that surveys core topics in Western philosophy, including philosophy of religion, theories of knowledge, metaphysics, ethics,…
The Broadview Anthology of British Literature: Concise Volume B – Third Edition
The two-volume Broadview Anthology of British Literature: Concise Edition provides an attractive alternative to the full six-volume anthology. Though much more compact, the Concise Edition…
Business and Professional Writing: A Basic Guide – Second Canadian Edition
Straightforward, practical, and focused on realistic examples, Business and Professional Writing: A Basic Guide is an introduction to the fundamentals of professional writing. The book…
Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing
This book is a comprehensive introduction to the many ethical and legal issues that arise in the practice of nursing. Ethical analysis is supplemented with…
The Philebus is the only Platonic dialogue that takes as its central theme the fundamental Socratic question of the good, understood as that which makes…
Business and Professional Writing: A Basic Guide – Second Edition
Straightforward, practical, and focused on realistic examples, Business and Professional Writing: A Basic Guide is an introduction to the fundamentals of professional writing. The book…
The Elements of Arguments: An Introduction to Critical Thinking and Logic
The Elements of Arguments introduces such central critical thinking topics as informal fallacies, the difference between validity and truth, basic formal propositional logic, and how…
Reading Children’s Literature: A Critical Introduction – Second Edition
Reading Children’s Literature offers insights into the major discussions and debates currently animating the field of children’s literature. Informed by recent scholarship and interest in…
The Library Window
In this Victorian tale, a young woman recuperating at her aunt’s house in a Scottish town is spending a good deal of time looking out…
Richard Coeur de Lion
The Middle English romance of Richard Coeur de Lion transforms the historical Richard I of England—a Frenchman by upbringing, who spent only four months of…
Ancient Philosophy: A Companion to the Core Readings
Ancient Philosophy: A Companion to the Core Readings is designed as an approachable guide to the most important and influential works of ancient philosophy. The…
Heart of Darkness – Ed. Peters
Heart of Darkness is based upon Joseph Conrad’s own experience in the Congo; “it is,” as he remarks in his 1916 author’s note to Youth:…
The Argument Handbook
The Argument Handbook is a classroom text for first-year composition that is designed to help students understand complex rhetorical situations and navigate the process of…
Moral Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction
Moral Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction is a compact yet comprehensive book offering an explication and critique of the major theories that have shaped philosophical ethics.…
The Great Irish Famine: A History in Documents
In the fall of 1845, a mysterious blight ravaged Ireland’s potato harvest, beginning a prolonged period of starvation, suffering, and emigration that reduced the Irish…
Castle Rackrent
Castle Rackrent—Maria Edgeworth’s first novel, and the work for which she was and is best known—occupies a most unusual place in the history both of…
Queen Eleanor and Fair Rosamond
Queen Eleanor and Fair Rosamond—among the most compelling and thought-provoking of Margaret Oliphant’s works of short fiction—tells the story of Mr. and Mrs. Lycett-Landon, “two…
Thomas Aquinas: Basic Philosophical Writing
This volume contains new translations of the essential philosophical writings of Thomas Aquinas, from the Summa Theologiae and The Principles of Nature. The included texts…
Focus on Writing
This first-year composition rhetoric-reader uses a Writing about Writing (WAW) approach and a conversational style to help students engage in threshold concepts and transfer what…
Philosophers of the Warring States: A Sourcebook in Chinese Philosophy
Philosophers of the Warring States is an anthology of new translations of essential readings from the classic texts of early Chinese philosophy, informed by the…
The Works of Gwerful Mechain
All of Gwerful Mechain’s known work is included here—as are several poems of uncertain authorship, and a selection of other works that help to fill…
The Invisible Man
The Invisible Man stands out as possessing one of the most complicated heroes, or perhaps anti-heroes, in literature. A thoroughly unlikeable character, the Invisible Man…