
  • Beyond the Binary: Thinking about Sex and Gender – Second Edition

    How are sex and gender related? Are they the same thing? What exactly is gender? How many genders are there? What is the science on…

  • The Mad Scientist’s Guide to Composition – MLA 2021 Update

    Considering the composition classroom as a mad scientist’s laboratory, The Mad Scientist’s Guide to Composition introduces different kinds of writing as experiments. Writing an essay…

  • The Romance of the Forest

    Adeline, the protagonist of Ann Radcliffe’s The Romance of the Forest, became a model for later Gothic heroines. Passionate, imaginative, and sensitive, in the course…

  • The Noble Slaves

    This is the first ever critical edition of Penelope Aubin’s The Noble Slaves, a novel that shows women as both moral exemplars and independent adventurers…

  • Ways of Being in the World

    Ways of Being in the World is an anthology of the Indigenous philosophical thought of communities across Turtle Island, offering readings on a variety of…

  • On the Genealogy of Morality

    On the Genealogy of Morality is a history of ethics, a text about interpreting that history, and a primer on interpretation in general. It also…

  • Paradise Lost

    Reviled as a regicide, isolated in a personal darkness, and aging, John Milton did not relinquish his voice. He somehow used that tireless voice, rather,…

  • AI and Writing

    AI and Writing is an introduction to Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) and its emergent role as a tool for academic, professional, civic, and personal writing.…

  • How to Think Critically: A Concise Guide – Second Edition

    How to Think Critically begins with the premise that we are all, every day, engaged in critical thinking. But just as we may develop bad…

  • The Life of Madame de Beaumount and The Life of Charlotta du Pont

    The prose fiction of Penelope Aubin offers a delightful and provocative challenge to many of our standard ways of thinking about both the “rise of…

  • Knowing Reality

    Knowing Reality is a guided introduction to metaphysics and epistemology. Each of the book’s twelve chapters contains extended excerpts from influential historical and contemporary philosophers,…

  • A Treatise of Human Nature

    In his autobiography, David Hume famously noted that A Treatise of Human Nature “fell dead-born from the press.” Yet it is now widely regarded as…

  • King Lear – Ed. Best & Joubin

    King Lear is a play for our times. The central characters experience intense suffering in a hostile and unpredictable world. They face domestic cruelty, political…

  • Martin R. Delany: Selected Writings

    One of the most powerful and provocative voices to emerge from the social and political unrest preceding the Civil War, the abolitionist and political activist…

  • Uncle Tom’s Cabin: Selections

    Uncle Tom’s Cabin may well have excited more controversy than any other work of fiction in American history. Welcomed by many abolitionists and met with…

  • Emily Dickinson: Selected Poems and Letters

    This compact edition, designed for use in undergraduate courses, combines a substantial selection of Dickinson’s poems (including one complete fascicle) with a selection of letters…

  • Fanny Fern: Selected Writings

    Fanny Fern dominated the New York literary scene in the 1850s, garnering both esteem and, occasionally, derision for her witty and acerbic newspaper columns and…

  • Frederick Douglass: Selected Writings and Speeches

    Universally recognized today as one of the most important and influential Americans of the nineteenth century, Frederick Douglass rose to prominence in the national abolitionist…

  • Letters from an American Farmer: Selections

    Letters from an American Farmer is increasingly recognized as one of the foundational texts in the study both of American literature and of American history.…

  • Moby-Dick; or, the Whale: Selections

    When Melville completed Moby-Dick, he wrote to Nathaniel Hawthorne that “I have written a wicked book, and feel spotless as a lamb.” While it took…

  • Slaves in Algiers; or, A Struggle for Freedom

    As Americans began defining who was to be counted a citizen in their newly-established republic, Susanna Rowson’s comic opera Slaves in Algiers (1794) makes an…

  • Washington Irving: Selected Writings

    Two of Washington Irving’s works of short fiction from his 1819-20 work, The Sketch Book—Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow—are among the…

  • The Broadview Anthology of British Satire, 1660-1750

    The Broadview Anthology of British Satire, 1660–1750 provides instructors and students with a thorough introduction to the highpoint of British literary satire. Reflecting current pedagogical…

  • Applied Ethics Primer

    The Applied Ethics Primer offers a concise introduction to both basic argumentation and normative ethical theory. The concepts discussed reflect the ethical theories that currently…