Medieval Period Editions

  • Antigone

    Sophokles’ Antigone is an ancient play that speaks directly to contemporary issues. From conflicts between authoritarian regimes and those who protest them to struggles over…

  • Patience

    Patience is currently the only one of the four poems in British Library MS Cotton Nero A.x that has not been translated into modern idiomatic…

  • The Medieval Bestiary in English

    First written in Egypt between the second and fourth centuries, the Physiologus brought together poetic descriptions of animals and their Christian allegories. As the Physiologus…

  • Trojan Women

    Trojan Women tells the story of the survivors of the Trojan War, the women and children taken into slavery by the victorious Greek army. Through…

  • Pearl

    The fourteenth-century Middle English poem Pearl is one of the best dream vision poems ever written, yet its language (the Northwest Midlands dialect of late-medieval…

  • Richard Coeur de Lion

    The Middle English romance of Richard Coeur de Lion transforms the historical Richard I of England—a Frenchman by upbringing, who spent only four months of…

  • Thomas Aquinas: Basic Philosophical Writing

    This volume contains new translations of the essential philosophical writings of Thomas Aquinas, from the Summa Theologiae and The Principles of Nature. The included texts…

  • The Works of Gwerful Mechain

    All of Gwerful Mechain’s known work is included here—as are several poems of uncertain authorship, and a selection of other works that help to fill…

  • The York Corpus Christi Play: Selected Pageants

    The York Corpus Christi Play as we know it consists of 47 surviving individual plays or “pageants,” 27 of which are included in this volume;…

  • Quest of the Holy Grail

    The Old French Lancelot-Graal is an important but massive work, providing a place for King Arthur not only in the history of Britain but also…

  • The Lais of Marie de France

    Composed in French in twelfth-century England, these twelve brief verse narratives center on the joys, sorrows, and complications of love affairs in a context that…

  • The Digby Play of Mary Magdalene

    Few medieval plays in English have attracted as much twenty-first-century interest as the Digby Mary Magdalene, an early-fifteenth-century drama that, as Chester Scoville puts it,…

  • The Four Branches of The Mabinogi

    Set in a primal past, the Mabinogi bridges many genres; it is part pre-Christian myth, part fairytale, part guide to how nobles should act, and…

  • The Decameron: Selected Tales

    This edition presents 33 of the 100 tales, with at least two from each of the ten days of storytelling. Boccaccio’s general introduction and conclusion…

  • Troilus and Criseyde

    Geoffrey Chaucer’s most significant literary accomplishment may well be Troilus and Criseyde, a single, profoundly philosophical narrative of a tragic love affair. Set in ancient…

  • Miracles of the Virgin in Middle English

    During the Middle Ages, Mary was the most powerful of saints, and the combination of her humanity and her proximity to the divine captured the…

  • The Wooing of Our Lord and The Wooing Group Prayers

    The Wooing of Our Lord and the Wooing Group prayers occupy a key position in the history of English literature and the development of English…

  • Le Morte Darthur: Selections

    Arguably no medieval English literary work has had as far and wide a reach as Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte Darthur; among the many adaptations…

  • Old English Poetry: An Anthology

    R.M. Liuzza’s Broadview edition of Beowulf was published at almost exactly the same time as Seamus Heaney’s; in reviewing the two together in July 2000…

  • The Siege of Jerusalem

    The Siege of Jerusalem (c. 1370-90 CE) is a difficult text. By twenty-first-century standards, it is gruesomely violent and offensive. It tells the story of…

  • The Canterbury Tales, A Selection – Second Edition

    Drawing from the same text as the complete Broadview edition of the Tales, which is based on the famous Ellesmere Manuscript, this selected edition also…

  • Beowulf – Second Edition

    R.M. Liuzza’s translation of Beowulf, first published by Broadview in 1999, has been widely praised for its accuracy and beauty. The translation is accompanied in…

  • Beowulf: Facing Page Translation – Second Edition

    R.M. Liuzza’s translation of Beowulf, first published by Broadview in 1999, has been widely praised for its accuracy and beauty. The facing-page translation is accompanied…

  • Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

    Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a masterpiece of medieval English literature and one of the finest Arthurian tales in any language. Though its…