Literary Pluralities
  • Publication Date: December 16, 1998
  • ISBN: 9781551112039 / 1551112035
  • 296 pages; 6" x 9"

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Literary Pluralities

  • Publication Date: December 16, 1998
  • ISBN: 9781551112039 / 1551112035
  • 296 pages; 6" x 9"

Literary Pluralities is a collection of essays on the connections between literature and society in Canada, focusing on the topics of race, ethnicity, language, and cultures.

The essays explore a nexus of related issues, including the dynamics between race, ethnicity, class, gender and generation; Canadian multiculturalism, and its meaning within Aboriginal and Quebec communities; the politics of language; the new field of life writing; and international dimensions of the debates. Together, they present a valuable picture of Canadian and Quebecois cultural and literary criticism at the century’s end.

Contributors include: Himani Bannerji, George Elliott Clarke, Kateri Akiwenzie-Damm, Hiromi Goto, Sneja Gunew, Jean Jonaissant, Smaro Kamboureli, Eva Karpinski, Janice Kulyk Keefer, Myrna Kostash, Lucie Lequin, Nadine Ltaif, Arun Mukherjee, Enoch Padolsky, Nourbese Philip, Joseph Pivato, Armand G. Ruffo, Tamara Palmer Seiler, Drew Hayden Taylor, Aritha van Herk, Maïr Verthuy, and Christl Verduyn.

This is a co-publication of Broadview Press and the Journal of Canadian Studies.


“Offers many informed and impassioned insights into the cultural construction of difference, the political and social realities of “multiculturalism,” and the ideologically loaded tapestry of contemporary Canadian Culture and literature.” — Books in Canada

Christl Verduyn: Introduction

Enoch Padolsky: Ethnicity and Race: Canadian Minority Writing at a Crossroads

Lucie Lequin: Paroles transgressives et métissage cultural au feminine

Tamara Palmer Seiler: Multi-Vocality and National Literature: Toward a Post-Colonial and Multicultural Aesthetic

Jean Jonassaint: Migration et études littéraires. Essai de théorisation d’un problème ancien aux contours nouveaux

Aritha van Herk: The Ethnic Gasp/The Disenchanted Eye Unstoried

Nadine Ltaif: Ecrire pour vivre l’échange entre les langues

Kateri Akiwenzie-Damm: We Belong to This Land: A View of “Cultural Difference“

Myrna Kostash: Imagination, Representation, and Culture

Janice Kulyk Keefer: “The Sacredness of Bridges”: Writing Immigrant Experience

Eva C. Karpinski: Multicultural “Gift(s)”: Immigrant Women’s Life Writing and the Politics of Anthologizing Difference

Himani Bannerji: On the Dark Side of the Nation: Politics of Multiculturalism and the State of “Canada”

Joseph Pivato: Representation of Ethnicity as Problem: Essence or Construction

Arun Mukherjee: Teaching Ethnic Minority Writing: A Report From the Classroom

Maïr Verthuy: Pan Bouyoucas: le principe des vases communicants ou de la nécessité de «sortir de lethnicité»

Christl Verduyn: Perspectives critiques dans des productions littéraires migrantes au féminin, au Québec et au Canada

George Elliott Clarke: Liberalism and Its Discontents: Reading Black and White in Contemporary Québécois Texts

Armand Garnet Ruffo: Out of Silence — The Legacy of E. Pauline Johnson: An Inquiry into the Lost and Found Work of Dawendine — Bernice Loft Winslow

Drew Hayden Taylor: Alive and Well: Native Theatre in Canada

Smaro Kamboureli: Staging Cultural Criticism: Michael Ignatieff’s Blood and Belonging and Myrna Kostash’s Bloodlines

Sneja Gunew: Operatic Karaoke and The Pitfalls of Identity Politics

Hiromi Goto: Alien Texts, Alien Seductions: The Context of Colour Full Writing

Nourbese Philip: Taming Our Tomorrows



Christl Verduyn is Chair and Professor of Canadian Studies at Trent University. She is a well-known and acclaimed academic and scholarly writer. Among her publications are: Lifelines: Marian Engel’s Writings (McGill-Queen’s University Press); Dear Marian, Dear Hugh: The MacLennan-Engel Correspondence ( University of Ottawa Press); her other publication with Broadview Press is Margaret Laurence: An Appreciation.