Academic Reading – Second Edition
Reading and Writing Across the Disciplines
  • Publication Date: March 21, 2002
  • ISBN: 9781551113937 / 1551113937
  • 528 pages; 6½" x 9"

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Academic Reading – Second Edition

Reading and Writing Across the Disciplines

  • Publication Date: March 21, 2002
  • ISBN: 9781551113937 / 1551113937
  • 528 pages; 6½" x 9"

This reader has been designed to accompany Giltrow’s Academic Writing, one of the key principles of which is that there is a close connection between the processes of reading and of writing academic prose. Each reading is preceded by introductory commentary, questions, and suggestions for discussion, and the book also includes a brief general introduction.

As with Giltrow’s Academic Writing, her Academic Reading is a challenging text. At its core are examples of actual academic writing of the sort that students must learn to deal with daily, and to write themselves. As newcomers to the scholarly community, students can find that community’s ways of reading and writing mysterious, unpredictable and intimidating. Academic Reading demystifies the scholarly genres, shedding light on their discursive conventions. Throughout, Academic Reading respects the student writer; it engages the reader’s interest without ever condescending, and it avoids entirely the arbitrary and the dogmatic.

The second edition is expanded to include twenty-one selections, nineteen of which come from scholarly publications, and more than half of which are new to this edition.


Comments on the previous edition:

“An outstanding book, Academic Reading offers accessible examples of real scholarly discourse. Indeed, this is the only ‘across the disciplines’ reader that I have seen that accomplishes this effectively.” — Brian Turner, University of Winnipeg

“An excellent selection of provocative essays; I will certainly adopt this text for my junior level composition course.” — Kathleen Blumreich, Grand Valley State University

General Introduction


  • Science, Law, and the Search for Truth in the Courtroom: Lessons from Daubert v. Merrell Dow, Joan E. Bertin and Mary S. Henifin


  • Effects of Lawyers’ Socio-political Attitudes on Their Judgments of Social Science in Legal Decision Making, Richard E. Redding and N. Dickon Reppucci


  • Some Experimental Influences of Lawyers’ Complicated Questions on Eyewitness Confidence and Accuracy, Mark R. Kebbell and David C. Giles


  • Chronicles and Annals, Elisabeth van Houts


  • The Masked Disease: Oral History, Memory, and the Influenza Pandemic, 1918-19, Lucy Taksa


  • Retelling Experiments: H.B.D. Kettlewell’s Studies of Industrial Melanism in Peppered Moths, Joel B. Hagen


  • The Master Potter and the Rejected Pots: Eugenic Legislation in Victoria, 1918-1939, Ross L. Jones


  • “To Watch the Faces of the Poor”: Life Magazine and the Mythology of Rural Poverty in the Great Depression, Charles Cunningham


  • The Power of Imagined Community: The Settlement of Undocumented Mexicans and Central Americans in the United States, Leo R. Chavez


  • The Waltz of Sociability: Intimacy, Dislocation, and Friendship in a Quebec High School, Vered Amit-Talai


  • Sounding Gender(ed): Vocal Performances in English University Teaching Spaces, Tom Delph-Janiurek


  • The Structure of “Revealed” Preference: Race, Community, and Female Labour Supply in the London Clothing Industry, Naila Kabeer


  • Separating Lesbian Theory from Feminist Theory, Cheshire Calhoun


  • The Dynamics of Standing Still: Firestone Tire & Rubber and the Radial Revolution, Donald N. Sull


  • The Battles in Seattle, Margaret Levi and David Olson


  • The Dance of Power: Ritual and Agency among Unionized American Health Care Workers, E. Paul Durrenberger and Suzan Erem


  • Similarities in Anti-Racist and Racist Discourse: Duth Local Residents Talking About Ethnic Minorities, Maykel Verkuten, Wiebe de Jong, and Kees Masson


  • Conflict and Struggle: The Enemies or Preconditions of Basic Writing? Min-Zhan Lu


  • Construction of the Imaginary Indian, Marcia Crosby


  • An Indian Remembers, Mary Englund


  • Annie Battiste: A Mi’kmaq Family History, Annie Battiste and Marie Battiste


Janet Giltrow is an Associate Professor in the English Department at the University of British Columbia. Her articles have appeared in such journals as American Literature, Sinn und Form, Style, Technostyle, Studies in the Novel, Modern Language Review, and Technical Writing and Communication, and in collections on feminist narratology, genre theory, and ESL, as well as in collections on other topics in rhetoric and literary studies. She is a winner of the 3M Teaching Fellowship.