History of Philosophy

  • Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous

    This is a new critical edition of Berkeley’s 1734 (third edition, first 1713) Three Dialogues, a text that is deservedly one of the most challenging…

  • Discourse on Metaphysics and Other Writings

    This is an edition of what are arguably Leibniz’s three most important presentations of his metaphysical system: the Discourse on Metaphysics, from 1686, and The…

  • The Future of an Illusion

    Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, declared that religion is a universal obsessional neurosis in his famous work of 1927, The Future of an Illusion.…

  • The Correspondence of Samuel Clarke and Anthony Collins, 1707-08

    An important work in the debate between materialists and dualists, the public correspondence between Anthony Collins and Samuel Clarke provided the framework for arguments over…

  • An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding

    Over a series of elegantly written, engaging essays, the Enquiry examines the experiential and psychological sources of meaning and knowledge, the foundations of reasoning about…

  • The Age of Reason

    The Age of Reason is one of the most influential defences of Deism (the idea that God can be known without organized religion) ever written.…

  • Rights of Man

    Advocating equality, meritocracy, and social responsibility in plain language, Thomas Paine galvanized tens of thousands of readers and changed the framework of political discourse with…

  • Beyond the Pleasure Principle

    Beyond the Pleasure Principle is Freud’s most philosophical and speculative work, exploring profound questions of life and death, pleasure and pain. In it Freud introduces…

  • Leviathan – Revised Edition

    Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan is the greatest work of political philosophy in English and the first great work of philosophy in English. Beginning with premises that…

  • Leviathan, Parts I and II – Revised Edition

    Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan is the greatest work of political philosophy in English and the first great work of philosophy in English. Beginning with premises that…

  • Utilitarianism – Ed. Heydt

    John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism is a philosophical defense of utilitarianism, a moral theory stating that right actions are those that tend to promote overall happiness.…

  • Wittgenstein and the Practice of Philosophy

    Wittgenstein and the Practice of Philosophy introduces Wittgenstein’s philosophy to senior undergraduates and graduate students. Its pedagogical premise is that the best way to understand…

  • Candide

    The philosophical problem of evil—that a supposedly good God could allow terrible human suffering—troubled the minds of eighteenth-century thinkers as it troubles us today. Voltaire’s…

  • Three Essays on Religion

    John Stuart Mill was one of the most important political and social thinkers of the nineteenth century, and his writings on human rights, feminism, the…

  • Great Philosophers

    Great Philosophers tells the story of Western philosophy through the thought of its main protagonists, the great philosophers. The narrative begins with the Presocratic philosophers…

  • The Excellencies of Robert Boyle

    Robert Boyle, one of the most important intellectuals of the seventeenth century, was a gifted experimenter, an exceptionally able philosopher, and a dedicated Christian. In…

  • Contemporary Perspectives on Early Modern Philosophy

    Contemporary Perspectives on Early Modern Philosophy is a collection of essays dedicated to Vere Chappell, one of the most respected scholars in the field of…

  • Catharine Trotter Cockburn

    An important thinker who contributed to eighteenth-century debates in epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics, Catharine Trotter Cockburn pursued the life of a dramatist and essayist, despite…

  • Basic Issues in Medieval Philosophy – Second Edition

    In this important collection, the editors argue that medieval philosophy is best studied as an interactive discussion between thinkers working on very much the same…

  • Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals

    Kant’s Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, first published in 1785, is still one of the most widely read and influential works of moral philosophy.…

  • The Communist Manifesto

    L.M. Findlay’s elegant new translation is a work of textual and historical scholarship. Few books have had as much of an impact on modern history…

  • Revolutions in Romantic Literature

    This concise Broadview anthology of primary source materials is unique in its focus on Romantic literature and the ways in which the period itself was…

  • A Serious Proposal to the Ladies

    Mary Astell’s A Serious Proposal to the Ladies is one of the most important and neglected works advocating the establishment of women’s academies. Its reception…

  • The Libertarian Idea

    Libertarianism is both a philosophy and a political view. The key concepts defining Libertarianism are: Individual Rights as inherent to human beings, not granted by…