Wisdom of the Mythtellers – Second Edition
  • Publication Date: October 6, 1998
  • ISBN: 9781551112084 / 1551112086
  • 288 pages; 5¼" x 8½"

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Wisdom of the Mythtellers – Second Edition

  • Publication Date: October 6, 1998
  • ISBN: 9781551112084 / 1551112086
  • 288 pages; 5¼" x 8½"

Mythtelling: the ideas and emotions of the Earth expressed through stories—stories distilled from millennia of treading warily in nature, rather than undertaking to rearrange her furniture. Wisdom of the Mythtellers uncovers four kinds of ancestral dream-mapping: Native Australian, Native American, Celtic, and Greek.


“A rare and wonderful introduction to mythic thought, Wisdom of the Mythtellers marks an advance in relating this profound human activity to our entire relationship with the earth and the world we live in.” — Robert Lawlor, author of Voices of the First Day: Awakening in the Aboriginal Dream Time

“Loren Eiseley once speculated that there must be a small, simple, child-sized hole in the metaphysical hedge we all walk along in life—an entrance into the awesome mindscape of the Spirit of the Earth. He was convinced a child would spot it easily—and spent the rest of his life in search of it. Sean Kane, I believe, has found it.” — Calvin Luther Martin, Rutgers University

“In the full sense of the word this is a courteous book. It is passionately thoughtful and passionately caring—a wise book and a courageous one. Anybody who cares about our fate in an age of information should read it.” — Gordon Teskey, Cornell University


Chapter One: Pattern

Chapter Two: Maps

Chapter Three: Boundary

Chapter Four: Dream

Chapter Five: Complementarity

Chapter Six: Tradition

Chapter Seven: Context



Sean Kane is Professor of Cultural Studies at Trent University