The Turn of the Screw and Other Stories
  • Publication Date: May 7, 2010
  • ISBN: 9781551119113 / 1551119110
  • 304 pages; 5½" x 8½"

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The Turn of the Screw and Other Stories

  • Publication Date: May 7, 2010
  • ISBN: 9781551119113 / 1551119110
  • 304 pages; 5½" x 8½"

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In 1898, Henry James wrote a novella that would become one of the most famous and critically discussed ghost stories ever written, The Turn of the Screw. Three other examples of James’s tales of the supernatural, “The Altar of the Dead,” “The Beast in the Jungle,” and “The Jolly Corner,” are included in this edition. These texts reveal on both the thematic and narrative levels James’s deepest concerns as a writer.

The texts in this edition are all drawn from the New York Edition of James’s works. The introduction traces the extensive critical debate around The Turn of the Screw, and situates the texts in contemporary discussions of the supernatural. Appendices include material on the tales’ reception, James’s writings on the supernatural, and the study of the supernatural in the nineteenth century.


“There are many ‘critical’ or ‘teaching’ editions of Henry James’s The Turn of the Screw. Kimberly C. Reed’s edition distinguishes itself by including with James’s novella other stories and various contemporary documents that highlight James’s fictional treatment of the supernatural and the cultural context for it. As a result, this new Broadview Edition isn’t just a random sample of someone’s favorite James short fictions. Instead, it provides in one accessible package much of the material needed to examine deeply one important aspect of James’s oeuvre.” — Pierre A. Walker, Salem State College, Co-General Editor of The Complete Letters of Henry James (University of Nebraska Press, 2006)

“Kimberly C. Reed’s excellent new edition, attractive to scholars yet accessible to students, places four ghostly tales in a rich historical context of letters, autobiographies, critical writings, and other invaluable documents. She invites readers to create connections with James’s life, the intellectual milieu of the James family, and the body of fictional and non-fictional works by James that speak most powerfully to these tales. Her account of the roots of the ghostly in magic and religion and its reverberations in deconstruction and psychoanalysis is especially illuminating, and demonstrates why this collection will be important to many in literary studies and beyond.” — Sheila Teahan, Michigan State University

Henry James: A Brief Chronology
A Note on the Texts


  • “The Altar of the Dead”
    “The Beast in the Jungle”
    “The Jolly Corner”

The Turn of the Screw

Appendix A: The Ghostly Tales: Inspiration and Reception

  1. From Henry James, A Small Boy and Others (1913)
  2. From Henry James Sr., Society the Redeemed Form of Man (1879)
  3. From William James, The Varieties of Religious Experience (1929)
  4. From Henry James, Letter to Mary Walsh James (26 March 1870)
  5. From Henry James, Notes of a Son and Brother (1914)
  6. From Henry James, The American Scene (1907)
  7. From Henry James, Letter to Frederick A. Duneka (28 August 1906)
  8. From Henry James’s Notebooks (1904–05)
  9. Contemporary Reviews of “The Altar of the Dead”
    1. Harper’s New Monthly Magazine (May 1896)
    2. William Dean Howells, Harper’s Weekly (27 July 1896)
  10. Contemporary Reviews of The Turn of the Screw
    1. Oscar Wilde, Letter to Robert Boss ([?]12 January 1899)
    2. From Literature (15 October 1898)
    3. From “Mr. James’s New Stories,” Athenaeum (22 October 1898)
    4. From “Henry James as a Ghost Raiser,” Life (10 November 1898)
    5. From Illustrated London News (3 December 1898)

Appendix B: The Study of the Supernatural in Nineteenth-Century England and America

  1. From William James, “Certain Phenomena of Trance” (1890)
  2. From The Times (28 December 1898)
  3. From Catherine S. Crowe, The Night-Side of Nature or Ghosts and Ghost Seers (1848)
  4. From William T. Stead, Real Ghost Stories (1897)

Appendix C: Excerpts from Henry James’s Nonfiction Writing about the Supernatural

  1. From Henry James, “Is There Life After Death?” (1910)
  2. Henry James’s Review of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1888)
  3. From Henry James’s Prefaces to the Tales (1906–08)
    1. From the Preface to The Turn of the Screw
    2. From the Preface to “The Altar of the Dead,” “The Beast in the Jungle,” and “The
      Jolly Corner”
  4. From Henry James’s Notebooks (1879–1914)

Appendix D: Other Writers and Artists on James

  1. From Edith Wharton, A Backward Glance (1934)
  2. From T.S. Eliot, “On Henry James” (1918)
  3. From Virginia Woolf, “Henry James’s Ghost Stories” (1921)
  4. Charles Demuth’s Illustrations for “The Beast in the Jungle”
  5. Max Beerbohm on James’s Return to the United States (1904)

Select Bibliography and Filmography

Kimberly C. Reed is Professor of English at Lipscomb University and the co-editor with Peter C. Beidler
of Approaches to Teaching Henry James’s Daisy Miller and The Turn of the Screw (MLA, 2005).