Business Ethics
An Interactive Introduction
  • Publication Date: September 30, 2015
  • ISBN: 9781554811502 / 1554811503
  • 264 pages; 6" x 9"

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Business Ethics

An Interactive Introduction

  • Publication Date: September 30, 2015
  • ISBN: 9781554811502 / 1554811503
  • 264 pages; 6" x 9"

Business Ethics: An Interactive Introduction connects the academic to the practical, extracting the basic elements of rigorous philosophical ethics into a format that can be understood and applied in the business world. Concepts such as utility, duty, and sustainability are given practical value and connected to examples and methods familiar to business people. Classical ethical theories are surveyed, as are modern perspectives on justice, equality, and the environment. Where possible, quantitative examples and methods are used to show that ethics need not be subjective or vague.

Kernohan provides an overview of the basic tools of ethical decision-making and shows how each can be used to resolve moral problems in business environments. Readers are then invited to apply those tools by completing a series of online exercises, receiving immediate objective feedback on their success. The book and its accompanying exercises thus work in concert, offering a unique opportunity for interactive self-directed learning.


Business Ethics: An Interactive Introduction is a fascinating and valuable work. Kernohan incorporates economic insights (including behavioral decision theory) to a degree rare in business ethics texts, and ends each chapter with a useful case study. In sum, this is an outstanding text.” — Gary James Jason, California State University, Fullerton

“The interactive component of the text is a great way to engage students and help them apply ethical concepts to solve real business dilemmas.” — Gwendolyn Whitfield, University of North Carolina Asheville

“A complete course of instruction, Business Ethics: An Interactive Introduction is the perfect introduction to understanding the essential role and enduring importance of ethics in a business transaction of any kind. Impressively well written, exceptionally well organized and presented ….” — John Taylor, Midwest Book Review

“In addition to well-designed supplemental digital resources for both instructors and students, the hardcopy text is fully indexed and contains a useful glossary of terms. Quantitative examples and methods are used throughout the text to improve readability and demonstrate that business ethics need not be subjective or vague … Students need to be actively engaged with both ethical theory and case applications to develop moral competence in business. This book will help them complement business competence with a foundational level of moral competence.” — Joseph A. Petrick, Teaching Philosophy

Introduction to the Reader
Introduction to the Instructor

Chapter 1: Ethical Decisions in Business

Chapter 2: The Nature of Ethical Reasoning

Chapter 3: Self-Interest and the Dilemmas of Cooperation

Chapter 4: Calculating Consequences and Utilitarian Reasoning

Chapter 5: Motivations, Duties, and Rights

Chapter 6: Fairness and Distributive Justice

Chapter 7: Virtue Ethics and Community Membership

Chapter 8: Feminism, Equality, and Care Ethics

Chapter 9: Moral Accountability

Chapter 10: Respecting Autonomy and Privacy

Chapter 11: Free Enterprise and Global Justice

Chapter 12: Sustainability and the Environment


Andrew Kernohan is Adjunct Professor of Philosophy at Dalhousie University and author of Environmental Ethics: An Interactive Introduction (Broadview Press, 2012).

The Business Ethics companion sites include content for both instructors and students.

The instructor site resources include over 300 multiple-choice and true-false questions which can be downloaded in Word format or uploaded to certain Learning Management Systems (Blackboard, Moodle, etc.) for automated tracking of student progress. It also has 71 video lectures as well as PowerPoint slides for each chapter. An access code to the website is included with all examination copies.

The student companion site has an interactive glossary, question and answer flashcards, and interactive case studies.

For a sample case study and interactive quiz from Business Ethics: An Interactive Introduction click here to visit our blog.

For a sample chapter from the text, click here (opens as a PDF).

Business Ethics: An Interactive Introduction is available as a digital courseware package on the Broadview Enhanced platform. This package combines the eBook with a set of auto-grading quizzes that integrate directly with your campus Learning Management System (LMS), such as Blackboard, D2L, or Moodle. This product is ideal for Inclusive Access and other First Day programs.

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