Ethics and Professionalism in Engineering
  • Publication Date: March 22, 2011
  • ISBN: 9781551112831 / 1551112833
  • 252 pages; 6" x 9"

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Ethics and Professionalism in Engineering

  • Publication Date: March 22, 2011
  • ISBN: 9781551112831 / 1551112833
  • 252 pages; 6" x 9"

The rapid pace of technological change constantly gives rise to new ethical dilemmas, and engineers must be as well versed in societal values and ethics as they are in the technical concepts of their disciplines. Ethics and Professionalism in Engineering provides a practical introduction for engineering students that emphasizes ethical decision-making. McCuen and Gilroy situate engineering ethics in the wider context of business and environmental ethics and guide students through case studies emphasizing value conflicts often encountered in engineering.


“The authors have done a terrific job of addressing the essential elements of engineering ethics. The organization and presentation is logical and reasonable, and this will appeal to engineering students as well as practicing engineers.” — P. Aarne Vesilind, Emeritus Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bucknell University


Chapter 1: Introduction

  1. Introduction
  2. General Characteristics of Value Conflicts
  3. Naive Decision Making
  4. Elements of Ethical Dilemmas
  5. Characteristics of Unethical Conduct
  6. Values Relevant to Unethical Conduct
  7. Dimensions of Professionalism
  8. Discussion Questions
  9. References

Chapter 2: Values in the Engineering Profession

  1. Introduction
  2. Values and Value Systems
    1. Good vs. Bad Values?
    2. Value Systems: A Definition
  3. Value Input Sources
    1. Personal Value Input Sources
    2. Professional Value Input Sources
    3. Technology and Values
  4. Values and Career Development
  5. Incorporating Values with Technical Issues
  6. Values in Decision Making
  7. Values and Scientific Freedom
  8. Discussion Questions
  9. References

Chapter 3: Professional Codes of Ethics

  1. Introduction
  2. Fundamental Standards of Conduct
  3. Values in Codes of Ethics
  4. Unwritten Rules of Conduct
  5. Organizational Codes of Ethics
    1. Issues in Drafting an Organizational Code
    2. Enforcement of a Code
    3. Purposes of a Code
    4. What a Code of Ethics Is Not
    5. Analyzing a Code of Ethics
  6. Codes of Ethics and the Environment
  7. Conflict of Interest
  8. Discussion Questions
  9. References

Chapter 4: Value Decision Making

  1. Introduction
  2. Values in Decision Making
  3. Decision Processes
    1. Identifying the Problem
    2. Identifying Available Resources and Constraints
    3. Specifying Alternative Solutions
    4. Establishing the Decision Criterion Function
    5. Evaluating Each Alternative and Implementing the Best Solution
  4. Value Decision Processes
    1. Benefit-Cost Decision Making
    2. Value Decision Making from a Benefit–Cost Perspective
  5. Risk and Values
    1. Quantifying Risk
    2. Risk Reduction
    3. Benefit-Cost Analysis in Evaluating Risk
    4. Values in Evaluating Risk
  6. Pressure: Its Role in Unethical Conduct
    1. Internal Pressure
    2. External Pressure
    3. Responding to Pressure
  7. Rationalization
  8. Resolving Ethical Dilemmas
    1. Whistleblowing to Resolve Ethical Dilemmas
  9. Irrational Value Decision Making
  10. Leadership and Value Decision Making
  11. Concluding Case Study
  12. Discussion Questions
  13. References

Chapter 5: Ethics in Leadership

  1. Introduction
  2. Ethics and Professionalism:
    A Leader’s Perspective
  3. Ethics and Organizational Leadership
  4. Ethical Implications for Leadership Style
  5. Values, Ethics, and Power
  6. Leadership and Decisions
    1. Decisions about Ethics and Resource Allocation
    2. Decisions about Ethics and Mediation
  7. Discussion Questions
  8. References

Chapter 6: Business Ethics

  1. Introduction
  2. Business Values
    1. Confidentiality
    2. Gratuities
    3. Contract Underbidding
    4. Bid Rigging
    5. Kickbacks
    6. Résumé Padding
  3. Preventing Fraudulent Conduct
  4. Whistleblowing
  5. Concluding Case Study
  6. Discussion Questions
  7. References

Chapter 7: Environmental Ethics

  1. Introduction
  2. Values and the Environment
  3. Ethical Dimensions of Environmentalism
  4. Tragedy of the Commons
  5. Nimby as a Value Issue
  6. The Anthrosphere
  7. Causes and Effects of Pollution
    1. Water Pollution
    2. Air Pollution
    3. Ground Pollution
    4. Values Involved in Pollution
    5. Decisions Involved in Decreasing Pollution
  8. Deforestation
    1. Benefits of Forested Areas
    2. Human Causes of Deforestation
    3. Possible Solutions
    4. Factors Involved in Deforestation Solutions
    5. Values Involved in Deforestation Solutions
  9. Climate Change
    1. Our Role in Climate Change
    2. Effects of Climate Change
    3. Decisions Involved in Climate Change
    4. Values Involved in Climate Change
  10. Biodiversity
    1. Values Involved in Biodiversity
    2. The Value of Nature
  11. Environmental Ethics and Engineering
  12. Discussion Questions
  13. References

Chapter 8: Ethics and Sustainability

  1. Introduction
  2. Values and Sustainability
  3. Varieties of Sustainability
  4. Components of Sustainability
    1. Energy
    2. Water
    3. Food
    4. Materials
  5. The Industrial Cycle and Sustainability
    1. Stakeholders
    2. Values within the Industrial Cycle
  6. Potential Solutions
    1. Public Policies and Regulations
    2. Research and Development
  7. Sustainable Development and Codes of Ethics
  8. Uncertain Aspects of Sustainability
  9. Discussion Questions
  10. References

Chapter 9: Ethics in Research

  1. Introduction
  2. Ethical Issues in Written Communication
    1. Plagiarism
    2. Self-Plagiarism
    3. Dual Submission
    4. Acknowledgment of Assistance
    5. Ghost Authorship
  3. Accuracy in Reporting
  4. Falsification of Research Data
  5. Data Fabrication
  6. Ethical Issues in Mentoring
  7. Concluding Case Study
  8. Discussion Questions
  9. References

Chapter 10: Cyberethics

  1. Introduction
  2. Computers and Value Responsibilities
  3. Computer-Assisted Errors
  4. Computer Image Enhancement
  5. Computer Privacy
  6. Software Piracy
    1. Shareware
    2. Values and Software Piracy
  7. Intellectual Property
  8. Discussion Questions
  9. References


Richard M. McCuen is Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland.

Kristin L. Gilroy is a graduate student and research assistant at the University of Maryland in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.