
  • Meditations on First Philosophy

    Considered a foundational text in modern philosophy, the Meditations on First Philosophy presents numerous powerful arguments that to this day influence debates in epistemology, the…

  • An Introduction to Logical Theory

    This book reclaims logic as a branch of philosophy, offering a self-contained and complete introduction to the three traditional systems of classical logic (term, sentence,…

  • The Semantics-Pragmatics Boundary in Philosophy

    The boundary between semantics and pragmatics has been important since the early twentieth century, but in the last twenty-five years it has become the central…

  • Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous

    This is a new critical edition of Berkeley’s 1734 (third edition, first 1713) Three Dialogues, a text that is deservedly one of the most challenging…

  • Indian Philosophy

    This book introduces the vast topic of Indian philosophy. It begins with a study of the major Upanishads, and then surveys the philosophical ideas contained…

  • Environmental Ethics

    This book explains the basic concepts of environmental ethics and applies them to global environmental problems. The author concisely introduces basic moral theories, discusses how…

  • Discourse on Metaphysics and Other Writings

    This is an edition of what are arguably Leibniz’s three most important presentations of his metaphysical system: the Discourse on Metaphysics, from 1686, and The…

  • A Guide to Asian Philosophy Classics

    This book guides readers through ten classic works of Asian philosophy. Several major schools of Eastern thought are discussed, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism/Taoism, and…

  • Sexual Harassment

    Sexual Harassment: An Introduction to the Conceptual and Ethical Issues covers the most important normative, conceptual, and legal issues associated with sexual harassment. Keith Dromm…

  • Readings in Health Care Ethics – Second Edition

    Readings in Health Care Ethics provides a wide-ranging selection of important and engaging contributions to the field of health care ethics. The second edition adds…

  • The Future of an Illusion

    Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, declared that religion is a universal obsessional neurosis in his famous work of 1927, The Future of an Illusion.…

  • Three Guineas

    In Three Guineas, first published in June, 1938 (as the threat of war between Britain and Nazi Germany was looming larger day by day) Virginia…

  • The Broadview Anthology of Social and Political Thought: Essential Readings

    This volume features a careful selection of major works in political and social philosophy from ancient times through to the present. Every reading has been…

  • The Extraordinary in the Ordinary

    This book explores the aesthetics of the objects and environments we encounter in daily life. Thomas Leddy stresses the close relationship between everyday aesthetics and…

  • Readings in Political Philosophy

    This anthology surveys important issues in Western political philosophy from Plato to the present day. Its aim is to show both the continuity and the…

  • There Are Two Errors in the the Title of This Book, Revised and Expanded (Again)

    As this book richly and entertainingly demonstrates, philosophy is as much the search for the right questions as it is the search for the right…

  • The Correspondence of Samuel Clarke and Anthony Collins, 1707-08

    An important work in the debate between materialists and dualists, the public correspondence between Anthony Collins and Samuel Clarke provided the framework for arguments over…

  • An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding

    Over a series of elegantly written, engaging essays, the Enquiry examines the experiential and psychological sources of meaning and knowledge, the foundations of reasoning about…

  • Suicide

    Suicide was selected as a Choice Outstanding Academic Title for 2012! Suicide: The Philosophical Dimensions is a provocative and comprehensive investigation of the main philosophical…

  • The Age of Reason

    The Age of Reason is one of the most influential defences of Deism (the idea that God can be known without organized religion) ever written.…

  • What Should I Believe?

    This book is unique in its treatment of critical thinking not as a body of knowledge but instead as a subject for critical reflection. The…

  • The Immorality of Punishment

    In The Immorality of Punishment Michael Zimmerman argues forcefully that not only our current practice but indeed any practice of legal punishment is deeply morally…

  • Rights of Man

    Advocating equality, meritocracy, and social responsibility in plain language, Thomas Paine galvanized tens of thousands of readers and changed the framework of political discourse with…

  • Corporate Social Responsibility

    The term corporate social responsibility (CSR) is often used in the boardroom, classroom, and political platform, but what does it really mean? Do corporations have…