The Autobiography of Margaret Oliphant
  • Publication Date: January 8, 2002
  • ISBN: 9781551112763 / 1551112760
  • 221 pages; 5½" x 8½"

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The Autobiography of Margaret Oliphant

  • Publication Date: January 8, 2002
  • ISBN: 9781551112763 / 1551112760
  • 221 pages; 5½" x 8½"

After the death of Margaret Oliphant—the prolific nineteenth-century novelist, biographer, essayist, reviewer, and prominent voice on the “woman question”—two well-intending relatives took the autobiographical manuscripts she composed over a thirty-year period, and recomposed them to suit the model of a conventional memoir. In the process, they suppressed more than a quarter of the material. Based on the original manuscripts, the Broadview edition now makes available the missing text in its original order, and the restored Autobiography of Margaret Oliphant portrays a woman of scathing irony, anger, and grief.

Part of Broadview’s Nineteenth-Century British Autobiographies series, this edition also includes extensive excerpts from Oliphant’s diaries.

Margaret Oliphant: A Brief Chronology
A Note on the Text

The Autobiography

Appendix A: Diary entry for Christmas night, 1887
Appendix B: 1888 Diary
Appendix C: 1896 Diary
Select Bibliography

Elisabeth Jay is a professor of English and Associate Head of the School of Humanities at Oxford Brookes University. The author of Margaret Oliphant: ‘A Fiction to Herself’: A Literary Life, Jay has written widely on nineteenth-century literature.