Felix Holt, The Radical
  • Publication Date: March 30, 2000
  • ISBN: 9781551112282 / 1551112280
  • 573 pages; 5½" x 8½"

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Felix Holt, The Radical

  • Publication Date: March 30, 2000
  • ISBN: 9781551112282 / 1551112280
  • 573 pages; 5½" x 8½"

When William Blackwood, George Eliot’s publisher, first saw the manuscript of Felix Holt in 1866 he could not contain his enthusiasm; in a letter to a friend he described the novel as “a perfect marvel. The time is 1832 just after the passing of the Reform Bill, and surely such a…series of pictures of English Life, manners, and conversation never was drawn. You see and hear the people speaking. Every individual character stands out a distinct figure.”

A political radical and a child of the working class, Felix has lost faith in a political system in which candidates never represent the interests of the working class. Harold Transome, the cynical son of wealthy Tory landowners, embraces radical politics for very different reasons. Both Harold and Felix vie for the affections of Esther Lyon, and she must weigh her feelings for them with the social and material goals she has set for herself. Their personal drama unfolds against the broad canvas of social and political upheaval of 1830s England.

This edition is based on the text of the first edition of the novel published in three volumes in 1866, and includes a full introduction, a wide range of appendices including reviews, as well as Eliot’s “Address to Working Men, by Felix Holt”; “The Legal Plot of Felix Holt”; and a chronology of Eliot’s life and career.


“The Broadview Press Felix Holt, the Radical is a handsomely-produced and reader-friendly edition of George Eliot’s powerful novel of social ambition and illicit love. Generous selections of contextual material show how George Eliot’s theories of artistic production and understanding of political realities shape the novel, and what her contemporaries made of it. Editors Baker and Womack deploy their expertise in Victorian studies to illuminate this work for the twenty-first century.” — Margaret Harris, University of Sydney

“This edition carefully documents the politics of composition and of England at a critical time in the author’s and the country’s life. Useful appendices establish the context for understanding the novel and its background. The Condition of England Question at last comes alive!” — Ira Nadel, University of British Columbia

George Eliot: A Brief Chronology
A Note on the Text

Felix Holt, The Radical

Appendix A: The Legal Plot of Felix Holt, The Radical

Appendix B: “An Address to Working Men, by Felix Holt”

Appendix C: “The Natural History of German Life”

Appendix D: The Critical Response to Felix Holt, The Radical

Select Bibliography

William Baker at Northern Illinois University, has edited George Henry Lewes’s and George Eliot’s letters.

Kenneth Womack at Penn State Altoona, has written widely on British and American literature.