Search results: “"John Stuart Mill"”

Showing 1–24 of 52 results

  • A Reader in Moral Philosophy

    This lively anthology provides classic and contemporary defenses and critiques of the central ethical theories, along with readings on a selection of moral issues such…

  • Being Ethical: Classic and New Voices on Contemporary Issues

    This anthology takes a broad approach to ethics, incorporating traditional topics and texts while bringing in voices and themes that are too often excluded. A…

  • Business Ethics: The Big Picture

    Business Ethics: The Big Picture asks students to focus on the assumptions underlying the activity of business. Why does society provide special protections for businesses?…

  • Ethical Issues: Perspectives for Canadians – Fourth Edition

    Ethical Issues: Perspectives for Canadians is a collection of readings designed to introduce students to a number of important topics, including our obligations toward the…

  • Ethical Theory: A Concise Anthology – Third Edition

    This concise anthology collects important historical and contemporary readings on the central ethical theories, including Divine Command Theory, Consequentialism, Deontology, Virtue Ethics, and Feminist Ethics.…

  • Globalization and International Development

    This new anthology offers a wide selection of readings addressing the contemporary moral issues that arise from the division between the Global North and South—“the…

  • Gothic Evolutions

    The texts in this unique collection range from the Gothic Revival of the late eighteenth century through to the late Victorian gothic, and from the…

  • Heart of Darkness – Ed. Goonetilleke – Third Edition

    The first incarnation of this Broadview edition of Heart of Darkness appeared in 1995, the second in 1999; both were widely acclaimed, and the Goonetilleke…

  • Human Life and the Natural World

    Human concern over the urgency of current environmental issues increasingly entails wide-ranging discussions of how we may rethink the relationship between humans and the rest…

  • Jane Eyre – Second Edition

    Jane Eyre, the story of a young girl and her passage into adulthood, was an immediate commercial success at the time of its original publication…

  • John Halifax, Gentleman

    This 1856 novel, one of the most beloved of the Victorian period, follows the life, from childhood to death, of an orphaned boy who grows…

  • Life Examined: Foundational Themes in Ethical and Socio-Political Thought

    Life Examined is an anthology of carefully edited readings designed to serve as an introduction to many of the fundamental concepts of ethical and socio-political…

  • Literature of the Women’s Suffrage Campaign in England

    During the British women’s suffrage campaign of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, women wrote plays to convert others to their cause; they wrote…

  • Moral Issues in Global Perspective – Volume 1: Moral and Political Theory – Second Edition

    Now available in three thematic volumes, the second edition of Moral Issues in Global Perspective is a collection of the newest and best articles on…

  • Moral Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction

    Moral Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction is a compact yet comprehensive book offering an explication and critique of the major theories that have shaped philosophical ethics.…

  • News from Nowhere

    Written in 1890, at the close of William Morris’s most intense period of political activism, News from Nowhere is a compelling articulation of his mature…

  • On Liberty – Ed. Alexander

    Mill predicted that “[t]he Liberty is likely to survive longer than anything else that I have written … because the conjunction of [Harriet Taylor’s] mind…

  • On Liberty – Ed. Kahn

    In this work, Mill reflects on the struggle between liberty and authority and defends the view that “the only purpose for which power can be…

  • On the Genealogy of Morality

    On the Genealogy of Morality is a history of ethics, a text about interpreting that history, and a primer on interpretation in general. It also…

  • Practical Bioethics

    Practical Bioethics offers a mix of theory and readings, presented in a format that is succinct and approachable. Each chapter begins and ends with a…

  • Professions in Ethical Focus – Second Edition

    This second edition of Professions in Ethical Focus comprises over seventy-five readings complemented by twenty case studies with corresponding discussion questions. These resources are organized…

  • Propaganda and the Ethics of Persuasion – Second Edition

    This book develops a sophisticated account of propaganda and its intriguing history. It begins with a brief overview of Western propaganda, including Ancient Greek theories…

  • Readings in Ethics

    Readings in Ethics offers a vast collection of carefully edited readings arranged chronologically across five historical periods. The selections cover many major Western and non-Western…

  • Readings in Political Philosophy

    This anthology surveys important issues in Western political philosophy from Plato to the present day. Its aim is to show both the continuity and the…