The first new anthology of its kind in 20 years, Victorian Poetry provides generous selections of poetry both by well-known Victorian poets (Alfred Tennyson, Robert Browning, Christina Rossetti) and by writers who have received less critical attention (Constance Naden, Toru Dutt, Grace Aguilar). Detailed annotations, substantial biographies, and an introduction outlining major literary and historical trends of the Victorian period ensure that the anthology will be useful both for specialists and for students encountering these poems for the first time. A companion website features additional poetry, selections of critical prose, and five appendices that group together poems related by genre, geography, or subject.
Victorian Poetry: An Anthology
Readings highlighted in gray will be included on the anthology’s companion website.
Thomas Hood (1799–1845)
Song of the Shirt
The Workhouse Clock
The Bridge of Sighs
William Barnes (1801–1886)
The Gre’t Woak Tree
The Common a-Took In
My Orcha’d in Linden Lea
The Wife A-Lost
The Turnstile
Woak Hill
The Wind at the Door
Letitia Elizabeth Landon (1802–1838)
Sappho’s Song
Lines of Life
The Factory
Stanzas on the Death of Mrs. Hemans
The Unknown Grave
Felicia Hemans
Night at Sea
Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806–1861)
Felicia Hemans
The Young Queen
L.E.L.’s Last Question
The Cry of the Children
To George Sand: A Desire
To George Sand: A Recognition
The Romaunt of the Page
Lady Geraldine’s Courtship
A Woman’s Shortcomings
A Man’s Requirements
The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim’s Point
A Year’s Spinning
Sonnets from the Portuguese
Flush or Faunus
Hiram Power’s “Greek Slave”
A Curse for a Nation
from Aurora Leigh: Book 1; from Book 2; from Book 5
Mother and Poet
A Musical Instrument
Lord Walter’s Wife
My Heart and I
John Stuart Mill (1806–1873)
What is Poetry?
Caroline Norton (1808–1877)
Crippled Jane
A Voice from the Factories
The Mother’s Last Watch
The Picture of Sappho
The Poet’s Choice
Edward FitzGerald (1809–1883)
Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám
Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809–1892)
The Kraken
Song [A spirit haunts the year’s last hours]
The Dying Swan
To —, with the Following Poem
The Palace of Art
The Lady of Shalott
The Hesperides
The Lotos-Eaters
The Epic
Morte d’Arthur
Break, break, break
St Simeon Stylites
The Two Voices
Locksley Hall
from The Princess
- As through the Land
- Sweet and Low
- The Splendour Falls
- Home They Brought Her Warrior Dead
- Ask Me No More
- Tears, Idle Tears
- Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal
- Come Down, O Maid
- [The Woman’s Cause is Man’s]
In Memoriam
The Eagle
The Charge of the Light Brigade
Flower in the Crannied Wall
The Holy Grail
To E. FitzGerald
To the Marquis of Dufferin and Ava
Crossing the Bar
Arthur Henry Hallam (1811–1833)
On Some of the Characteristics of Modern Poetry, and on the Lyrical Poems of Alfred Tennyson
Robert Browning (1812–1889)
Johannes Agricola in Meditation
Porphyria’s Lover
My Last Duchess
Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister
Count Gismond
The Laboratory
“How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix”
Pictor Ignotus
The Lost Leader
Home-Thoughts, from Abroad
The Bishop Orders His Tomb at St. Praxed’s Church
Meeting at Night
Parting at Morning
Love Among the Ruins
A Woman’s Last Word
Fra Lippo Lippi
A Toccata of Galuppi’s
“Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came”
The Statue and the Bust
How It Strikes a Contemporary
The Last Ride Together
Master Hugues of Saxe-Gotha
Andrea del Sarto
In a Year
Two in the Campagna
A Grammarian’s Funeral
One Word More
Dis Aliter Visum
Abt Vogler
Rabbi Ben Ezra
Caliban upon Setebos
May and Death
The Householder
Love in a Life; Essay on Shelley, from The Ring and the Book, Bishop Blougram’s Apology
Edward Lear (1812–1888)
Selected Limericks
The Owl and the Pussy-cat
The Jumblies
Calico Pie
The Dong with a Luminous Nose
The Courtship of the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bò
The Pobble Who Has No Toes
How Pleasant to Know Mr. Lear!
Grace Aguilar (1816–1847)
Past, Present, and Future: A Sketch
The Hebrew’s Appeal
Song of the Spanish Jews
The Wanderers
Emily Brontë (1818–1848)
High waving heather ’neath stormy blasts bending
I’ll come when thou art saddest
Loud without the wind was roaring
A little while, a little while
The Old Stoic
Shall Earth no more inspire thee
My Comforter
To Imagination
Plead for Me
No coward soul is mine
I’m happiest when most away
If grief for grief can touch thee
Often rebuked, yet always back returning
Arthur Hugh Clough (1819–1861)
Duty—that’s to say complying
Easter Day
Easter Day II
Qui Laborat, Orat
Is it true, ye gods, who treat us
Say Not the Struggle Nought Availeth
Hymnos Ahymnos
Seven Sonnets on the Thought of Death
In the Great Metropolis
To spend uncounted years of pain
Recent English Poetry
from Dipsychus
from Amours de Voyage
The Latest Decalogue
“There is no God,” the Wicked Saith
That there are powers above us I admit
George Eliot (1819–1880)
Two Lovers
O, May I Join the Choir Invisible
Brother and Sister
Matthew Arnold (1822–1888)
The Forsaken Merman
Quiet Work
To a Gipsy Child by the Seashore
Memorial Verses
The Buried Life
The Scholar-Gipsy
Preface to Poems, 1853
Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse
from The Function of Criticism at the Present Time
Dover Beach
East London
West London
Rugby Chapel
Growing Old
Coventry Patmore (1823–1896)
from The Angel in the House
The Prologue
The Paragon
The Revelation
The Wife’s Tragedy
The Foreign Land
The Azalea
The Toys
A Farewell
To the Unknown Eros
To the Body
Adelaide Anne Procter (1825–1864)
A Legend of Bregenz
The Cradle-Song of the Poor
The Lesson of the War, 1855
A Woman’s Question
A Lost Chord
Two Worlds
A Woman’s Answer
A Woman’s Last Word
An Appeal
The Jubilee of 1850
A Desire
The Church in 1849
The Homeless Poor
George Meredith (1828–1909)
Modern Love
Ode to the Spirit of Earth in Autumn
The Lark Ascending
Lucifer in Starlight
Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828–1882)
The Blessed Damozel
My Sister’s Sleep
Sister Helen
Sybilla Palmifera
Lady Lilith
Mary Magdalene at the Door of Simon the Pharisee
The House of Life (1870 edition)
Silent Noon
A Sonnet is a moment’s monument
The Burden of Nineveh
Hand and Soul
The Orchard Pit
Robert Buchanan, “The Fleshly School” (full text)
“The Stealthy School (full text)
Elizabeth Siddal (1829–1862)
A Year and a Day
Shepherd Turned Sailor
The Lust of the Eyes
Worn Out
At Last
Love and Hate
The Passing of Love
Lord, May I Come?
Christina Rossetti (1830–1894)
Goblin Market
At Home
A Triad
Cousin Kate
A Birthday
After Death
An End
My Dream
An Apple-Gathering
Winter: My Secret
“No, Thank You, John”
A Pause of Thought
Song [“She sat and sang alway”]
Song [“When I am dead, my dearest”]
Dead before Death
The Convent Threshold
“A Bruised Reed Shall He Not Break”
A Better Resurrection
The Prince’s Progress
What Would I Give?
Life and Death
The Lowest Place
A Christmas Carol
Monna Innominata
Birchington Church-Yard
Have I Not Striven, My God?
“Endure Hardness”
An Echo from Willow-Wood
I wish I were a little bird
In an Artist’s Studio
“The Heart Knoweth Its Own Bitterness”
Promises like Pie-Crust
In Progress
Sleeping at Last
Joseph Skipsey (1832–1903)
The Hartley Calamity
The Stars are Twinkling
Get Up!
The Dewdrop
Lewis Carroll (1832–1898) )
How doth the little crocodile
You are old, Father William
Poeta Fit, Non Nascitur
The Walrus and the Carpenter
In winter, when the fields are white
The White Knight’s Song
A boat, beneath a sunny sky
William Morris (1834-1896)
Riding Together
Summer Dawn
The Defense of Guenevere
The Eve of Crécy
The Sailing of the Sword
The Blue Closet
The Tune of Seven Towers
The Haystack in the Floods
Two Red Roses Across the Moon
In Prison
Masters in this Hall
from The Earthly Paradise
An Apology
Chants for Socialists, No. 1: The Day is Coming
Thunder in the Garden
[Hopes and Fears for Art]
[from News from Nowhere]
[How I Became a Socialist]
James Thomson (1834–1882)
The City of Dreadful Night
W.S. Gilbert (1836–1911)
When I was a Lad
I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General
If You’re Anxious for to Shine
A Lady Fair, of Lineage High
I’ve Got a Little List
The Sun Whose Rays are All Ablaze
Augusta Webster (1837–1894)
By the Looking-Glass
The Happiest Girl in the World
A Castaway
Coming Home
An Inventor
Mother and Daughter
Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837–1909)
The Sundew
Choruses from Atalanta in Calydon
1. When the hounds of spring
2. Before the beginning of years
A Ballad of Life
A Ballad of Death
Laus Veneris
The Triumph of Time
Les Noyades
A Leave-Taking
Hymn to Proserpine
A Match
The Leper
The Garden of Proserpine
Ave atque Vale
A Forsaken Garden
A Ballad of Dreamland
“Non Dolet”
A Nympholept
The Lake of Gaube
from William Blake
Thomas Hardy (1840–1928)
Neutral Tones
In a Wood
The Temporary the All
Friends Beyond
In a Eweleaze near Weatherbury
Drummer Hodge
The Darkling Thrush
The Ruined Maid
The Self-Unseeing
An August Midnight
In Tenebris
A Broken Appointment
The Man He Killed
A Trampwoman’s Tragedy
The Minute Before Meeting
Night in the Old Home
The Convergence of the Twain
Under the Waterfall
Poems of 1912-13
The Going
Your Last Drive
The Walk
Rain on a Grave
I Found Her Out There
Without Ceremony
The Haunter
The Voice
His Visitor
A Circular
A Dream or No
After a Journey
A Death-Day Recalled
Beeny Cliff
At Castle Boterel
The Phantom Horsewoman
The Spell of the Rose
St. Launce’s Revisited
Where the Picnic Was
Channel Firing
In Time of “the Breaking of Nations”
The Oxen
Overlooking the River Stour
The Shadow on the Stone
During Wind and Rain
Proud Songsters
Nobody Comes
Mathilde Blind (1841–1896)
from The Ascent of Man
[Winding all my life about thee]
On a Forsaken Lark’s Nest
The Songs of Summer
The Red Sunsets, 1883
The Russian Student’s Tale
A Mother’s Dream
Manchester by Night
Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844–1889)
Author’s Preface
The Habit of Perfection
The Wreck of the Deutschland
God’s Grandeur
The Starlight Night
The Sea and the Skylark
The Windhover
Pied Beauty
Hurrahing in Harvest
The Caged Skylark
Binsey Poplars
The Candle Indoors
Felix Randal
Spring and Fall
Spelt from Sibyl’s Leaves
[As kingfishers catch fire]
Carrion Comfort
[No worst, there is none]
Harry Ploughman
[To seem the stranger lies my lot]
[I wake and feel the fell of dark, not day]
[My own heart let me more have pity on]
That Nature Is a Heraclitean Fire and of the Comfort of the Resurrection
[Thou art indeed just, Lord]
To R. B.
Michael Field (Katharine Bradley [1846–1914] and Edith Cooper [1862–1913])
[Dreamless from happy sleep I woke]
[Atthis, my darling, thou did’st stray]
[Maids, not to you my mind doth change]
[Climbing the hill a coil of snakes]
La Gioconda
The Birth of Venus
The Sleeping Venus
A girl
[It was deep April, and the morn]
[Mortal, if thou art beloved]
[Sometimes I do dispatch my heart]
[She mingled me rue and roses]
The Grand Mogul
[Our myrtle is in flower]
[When I grow old]
To Christina Rossetti
Power in Silence
Nests in Elms
The Mummy Invokes His Soul
Old Ivories
Ebbtide at Sundown
Where the Blessed Feet Have Trod
Alice Meynell (1847–1922)
A Letter from a Girl to Her Own Old Age
To One Poem in a Silent Time
Cradle-Song at Twilight
The Shepherdess
Robert Louis Stevenson (1850–1894)
[I saw red evening through the rain]
Bed in Summer
Whole Duty of Children
Looking Forward
The Land of Counterpane
The Land of Nod
Good and Bad Children
[I have trod the upward and the downward slope]
Oscar Wilde (1854–1900)
E Tenebris
To Milton
Impression du Matin
Le Jardin
The Harlot’s House
Symphony in Yellow
from “The Decay of Lying”
from “The Critic as Artist”
Preface to The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Disciple
The Artist
The Sphinx
The Ballad of Reading Gaol
Toru Dutt (1856–1877)
À mon Père
Near Hastings
The Lotus
Our Casuarina Tree
John Davidson (1857–1909)
A Northern Suburb
Thirty Bob a Week
A. Mary F. Robinson (1857–1944)
A Dialogue
[God Sent a Poet to Reform his Earth]
Song [Oh for the Wings of a Dove]
The Scape-Goat
Men and Monkeys
A Ballad of Forgotten Tunes
The Frozen River
The Present Age
Inter Pares
Constance Caroline Woodhill Naden (1858–1889)
The Lady Doctor
The Sister of Mercy
Love Versus Learning
Scientific Wooing
The New Orthodoxy
Natural Selection
Solomon Redivivus, 1886
Christ, the Nazarene
Alfred Edward Housman (1859–1936)
[Loveliest of trees, the cherry now]
[On moonlit heath and lonesome bank]
[When I watch the living meet]
[When I was one-and-twenty]
[Look not in my eyes, for fear]
[Oh, when I was in love with you]
To an Athlete Dying Young
[The street sounds to the soldiers’ tread]
[This time of year a twelvemonth past]
[Is my team ploughing]
[Others, I am not the first]
[On Wenlock Edge the wood’s in trouble]
[From far, from eve and morning]
[Into my heart an air that kills]
The Immortal Part
[Shot? so quick, so clean an ending?]
[With rue my heart is laden]
[Terence, this is stupid stuff]
[I hoed and trenched and weeded]
The Parallelogram; or, Infant Optimism
[In the morning, in the morning]
The Oracles
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries
[Because I liked you better]
[Oh who is that young sinner with the handcuffs on his wrists?]
The African Lion
Francis Thompson (1859–1907)
The Hound of Heaven
Rabindranath Tagore (1861–1941)
The Sunset of the Century
<Mary Elizabeth Coleridge (1861–1907)
The Lady of Trees
In London Town
The Witch
L’Oiseau Bleu
The Other Side of a Mirror
Tekahionwake / E. Pauline Johnson (1861–1913)
A Cry from an Indian Wife
The Happy Hunting Grounds
The Song My Paddle Sings
Kicking-Horse River
The Cattle Thief
from His Sister’s Son
The Corn Husker
The Art of Alma-Tadema
The Lost Lagoon
May Kendall (1861–1943)
Lay of the Trilobite
The Conscientious Ghost
“Taking Long Views”
Woman’s Future
The Mermaid’s Chapel
Heraclitus in Church
To the Next Meeting
The Sandblast Girl and the Acid Man
Love and Matter
Fairies and the Philologist
In the Toy Shop
Amy Levy (1861–1889)
Felo de Se
To Lallie
A London Plane-Tree
London in July
A March Day in London
Ballade of an Omnibus
Ballade of a Special Edition
Straw in the Street
London Poets
The Old House
The Last Judgment
Cambridge in the Long
To Vernon Lee
The End of the Day
At a Dinner Party
Sir Henry Newbolt (1862–1938)
Vitaï Lampada
He Fell Among Thieves
Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936)
Danny Deever
Gunga Din
The Widow at Windsor
The White Man’s Burden
William Butler Yeats (1865–1939)
Down by the Salley Gardens
The Lake Isle of Innisfree
Who Goes with Fergus?
The Lover Tells of the Rose in His Heart
Into the Twilight
[The wind blows out of the gates of the day]
The Cap and Bells
The Secret Rose
The Travail of Passion
He Remembers Forgotten Beauty
The Song of Wandering Aengus
He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
Adam’s Curse
Arthur Symons (1865–1945)
In Bohemia
The Absinthe Drinker
Javanese Dancers
Nora on the Pavement
from The Decadent Movement in Literature
On the Stage
La Mélinite: Moulin Rouge
Stella Maris
Mauve, Black, and Rose
White Heliotrope
To One in Alienation
Ernest Dowson (1867–1900)
Nuns of the Perpetual Adoration
Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae Sub Regno Cynarae
To One in Bedlam
Extreme Unction
Vitae Summa Brevis Spem Nos Vetat Incohare Longam
Villanelle of the Poet’s Road
Lionel Johnson (1867–1902)
Plato in London
By the Statue of King Charles at Charing Cross
The Dark Angel
The Precept of Silence
Bagley Wood
The Church of a Dream
The Destroyer of a Soul
The Darkness
The Sleep of Will
Charlotte Mew (1869–1928)
V. R. I.
The Farmer’s Bride
Madeleine in Church
The Road to Kérity
Lord Alfred Douglas (1870–1945)
In Praise of Shame
The Two Loves
The Dead Poet
Sarojini Naidu (1879–1949)
Indian Dancers
Indian Weavers
In Praise of Henna
Nightfall in the City of Hyderabad
Street Cries
To India