Search results: “"Neta Gordon"”
Showing all 7 results
Broadview Online: How Poems Work
Website Access
This is an online resource to be used in the teaching of poetry. It may be used on its own, in conjunction with a Broadview…
The Broadview Introduction to Literature – Second Edition
Designed for courses taught at the introductory level in Canadian universities and colleges, this new anthology provides a rich selection of literary texts. Unlike many…
The Broadview Introduction to Literature: Concise Edition – Second Edition
A contemporary, Canadian, and diverse update of Broadview’s concise introduction to literature. Pedagogically current and uncommon in its breadth of representation, The Broadview Introduction to…
The Broadview Introduction to Literature: Drama – Second Edition
Designed for courses taught at the introductory level in Canadian universities and colleges, this new anthology provides a rich selection of literary texts. Unlike many…
The Broadview Introduction to Literature: Literary Non-Fiction – Second Edition
Designed for courses taught at the introductory level in Canadian universities and colleges, this new anthology provides a rich selection of literary texts. Unlike many…
The Broadview Introduction to Literature: Poetry – Second Edition
Designed for courses taught at the introductory level in Canadian universities and colleges, this new anthology provides a rich selection of literary texts. Unlike many…
The Broadview Introduction to Literature: Short Fiction – Second Edition
Designed for courses taught at the introductory level in Canadian universities and colleges, this new anthology provides a rich selection of literary texts. Unlike many…