Lord Jim (1900) Joseph Conrad
Heart of Darkness, Third Edition (1899 / 1902) Joseph Conrad
Heart of Darkness (Ed. Peters) (1902) Joseph Conrad
The Secret Agent (1907) Joseph Conrad
Under Western Eyes (1911) Joseph Conrad
My Brilliant Career (1901) Sarah Miles Franklin
Kim (1901) Rudyard Kipling
The Grand Babylon Hotel (1902) Arnold Bennett
The Girl Behind the Keys (1903) Tom Gallon (Encore Edition)
The Melting-Pot (1908) Israel Zangwill
Diana of Dobson’s (1908) Cicely Hamilton (Canada and US only)
Suffragette Sally (1911) Gertrude Colmore
Peter Pan (1911) J.M. Barrie
The Secret Garden (1911) Frances Hodgson Burnett
Githa Sowerby: Three Plays (1912-1924)
Prisons and Prisoners (1914) Constance Lytton
Dubliners (1914) James Joyce
The Dead and Other Stories (1904-14) James Joyce (BABL Edition)
The Good Soldier: A Tale of Passion (1915) Ford Madox Ford
Pointed Roofs (1915) Dorothy Richardson (Canada and US only)
The Tunnel (1919) Dorothy Richardson (Canada and US only)
The Waste Land and Other Poems (1917) T.S. Eliot (BABL Edition, Canada and US Only)
The Return of the Soldier (1918) Rebecca West (Canada excluded)
Mrs. Dalloway (1925) Virginia Woolf
To the Lighthouse (1927) Virginia Woolf (Encore Edition)
A Room of One’s Own (1929) Virginia Woolf (Encore Edition, US excluded)
Three Guineas (1938) Virginia Woolf (Encore Edition, US excluded)
Essays on Race and Empire (1930s, 1940s) Nancy Cunard
Casino Royale (1953) Ian Fleming (Canada only)
The Long Revolution (1961) Raymond Williams (Encore Edition)
Modern Tragedy (1966) Raymond Williams (Encore Edition)