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Quest of the Holy Grail (13th C)
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Pearl (14th C)
Richard Coeur de Lion (14th C)
Cleanness (14th C)
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Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (14th C)
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: Facing Page Translation (14th C)
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The Canterbury Tales: A Selection, second edition (14th C) Geoffrey Chaucer
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Twelfth Night (1602, 1623) William Shakespeare (ISE Edition)
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King Lear (1608, 1623) William Shakespeare (ISE Edition)
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Samson Agonistes and Other Poems (1671) John Milton
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Leviathan Parts I and II, revised edition (1651) Thomas Hobbes
Paper Bodies: A Margaret Cavendish Reader (1660s)
Bell in Campo and The Sociable Companions (1662) Margaret Cavendish
Sociable Letters (1664) Margaret Cavendish
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Grounds of Natural Philosophy (1668) Margaret Cavendish

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