Broadview Editions, and our $10 challenge in 2019—try Broadview American

At some point in the next couple of years we at Broadview will publish our 500th edition; there are currently 465 Broadview editions in print. To put that in perspective, the Oxford World’s Classics list currently includes 794 titles; the Norton Critical Editions series currently includes 256 titles. Like the Oxford and Penguin lists, the Broadview list now includes an extraordinary range of canonical titles—you’ll find Boccaccio, Freud, Kafka, and Tolstoy along with Austen, Dickens, Twain, and Shakespeare.
You’ll also find a great many editions of titles that appear on no other publisher’s list. Our selection of editions over the past year or so, for example, includes Richard Kaye’s fine edition of Alan Dale’s A Marriage Below Zero (the first novel in English to explicitly explore the subject of male homosexuality), and Katie Gramich’s groundbreaking translations of the Works of Gwerful Mechain (a truly extraordinary medieval Welsh poet).
Of course we include in almost all Broadview editions what most other editions don’t—a wide range of background contextual materials. And we’re unusual in one other way too; we have still never put a Broadview edition out of print. When you list Broadview editions on your course text requisition form, you can be sure the publisher won’t get back to your bookstore with word that the titles you want are now “out of print and unavailable.”
This year we’re drawing attention to one substantial part of our editions list that we think has received too little attention: Broadview’s American literature editions. From eighteenth century works such as Common Sense and The Female American; nineteenth-century classics such as Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Billy Budd, and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; to early twentieth-century works such as Tender Buttons, The Waste Land, and The Age of Innocence, we now offer more than 70 American literature editions. Many more are in the works—as is a multi-volume Broadview Anthology of American Literature.
To draw attention to the American side of the Broadview list, we’re doing something special in 2019; we’re pricing each of these American literature editions at one very special price. The regular list prices range from $11.95 to over $20, but from February 1 of this year until the end of January, 2020, all 70 of those titles will be priced at just $10.
Why are we setting these prices so low? We’re confident that once you have given some of these editions a try with your students, you’ll want to stay with the Broadview. So if you’re including any American literature titles on your September 2019 or January 2020 courses, we invite you to take our $10 challenge: try Broadview American at these special prices, and see if you don’t want to come back for more!
Regardless of what books you choose this year, and whether any of them are published by us, all of us at Broadview wish you all the best in 2019.
Don LePan (CEO and Company Founder)