The Broadview Anthology of British Literature Volume 4: The Age of Romanticism – Third Edition
In all six of its volumes The Broadview Anthology of British Literature presents British literature in a truly distinctive light. Fully grounded in sound literary and historical scholarship, the anthology takes a fresh approach to many canonical authors, and includes a wide selection of work by lesser-known writers. The anthology also provides wide-ranging coverage of…

Lyrical Ballads
Long central to the canon of British Romantic literature, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads is a fascinating case study in the history of poetry, publishing, and authorship. This Broadview edition is the first to reprint both the 1798 and the 1800 editions of Lyrical Ballads in their entirety. In the appendices to…

The Broadview Anthology of British Literature: Concise Volume B, 3e – Modified eBook International Edition
This modified eBook is intended for readers outside of the United States and Canada. If you are within the United States or Canada, please see the print and eBook options available on this page. For copyright reasons, some readings are omitted from this modified eBook. However, it includes 88% of the material available in the…

The Death of Ivan Ilyich Trade Edition
This is a special Trade eBook edition of Kirsten Lodge’s acclaimed translation of Leo Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Other Stories. A separate teaching edition of these translations—with contextualizing appendices, extensive annotations, and an introduction—is also available in both print and eBook formats. This is a special Trade eBook edition of Kirsten Lodge’s…
The Broadview Anthology of Social and Political Thought: From Machiavelli to Nietzsche – Modified Ebook Edition
This modified ebook version of The Broadview Anthology of Social and Political Thought: From Machiavelli to Nietzsche includes 90% of the material available in the print version. See the “Contents” tab for the ebook’s table of contents, or click here to see a list comparing the print book’s contents to the ebook. This volume contains many…

The Broadview Anthology of British Literature: One-Volume Compact Edition
In all six of its volumes, The Broadview Anthology of British Literature presents British literature in a truly distinctive light. Fully grounded in sound literary and historical scholarship, the anthology takes a fresh approach to many canonical authors, and includes a wide selection of work by lesser-known writers. The anthology also provides wide-ranging coverage of…

Nightmare Abbey
This 1818 novel is set in a former abbey whose owner, Christopher Glowry, is host to visitors who enjoy his hospitality and engage in endless debate. Among these guests are figures recognizable to Peacock’s contemporaries, including characters based on Lord Byron and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Mr. Glowry’s son Scythrop (also modeled on a famous Romantic,…

The Broadview Anthology of Literature of the Revolutionary Period 1770-1832
The selections from 132 authors in this anthology represent gender, social class, and racial and national origin as inclusively as possible, providing both greater context for canonical works and a sense of the era’s richness and diversity. In terms of genre, poetry, non-fiction prose, philosophy, educational writing, and prose fiction are included. Geographically, America, Canada,…

Mary Robinson: Selected Poems
Mary Robinson’s work has begun again to assume a central place in discussions of Romanticism. A writer of the 1790’s—a decade which saw the birth of Romanticism, revolution, and enormous popular engagement with political ideas—Robinson was acknowledged in her time as a leading poet. Her writing exhibits great variety: charm, theatricality, and emotional resonance are…
The Broadview Editions Bookshelf
The Broadview Editions Bookshelf provides digital access to over 450 meticulously edited works of literature. For more than 30 years, Broadview’s editions have presented classic works of literature, both canonical and lesser-known, in a reader-friendly format with scholarly introductions, footnotes, and appendices to situate each work in its historical and cultural moment. This new digital…

The Idea of Being Free
Mary Hays (1759-1843) is often best remembered for her early revolutionary novels The Memoirs of Emma Courtney and The Victim of Prejudice. In this collection, however, Gina Luria Walker reveals the extraordinary range of Hays’s oeuvre. The selections are mainly from Hays’s non-fiction writings, including letters, life-writing, political commentary, and essays. The extracts demonstrate her…
The Broadview British Bookshelf
The Broadview British Bookshelf provides digital access to over 330 meticulously edited works of British Literature. For more than 30 years, Broadview’s editions have presented classic works of literature, both canonical and lesser-known, in a reader-friendly format with scholarly introductions, footnotes, and appendices to situate each work in its historical and cultural moment. This new…

The Daughter of Adoption
John Thelwall’s The Daughter of Adoption: A Tale of Modern Times is a witty and wide-ranging work in which the picaresque and sentimental novel of the eighteenth century confronts the revolutionary ideas and forms of the Romantic period. Thelwall puts his two main characters, the conflicted English gentleman Henry Montfort and the Creole Seraphina Parkinson,…

Poems, in Two Volumes
Published seven years after William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s popular collection Lyrical Ballads, Wordsworth’s Poems, in Two Volumes shocked readers and drew scornful reviews. Poems was a revolutionary challenge to literary taste in revolution-weary times. The poems were perceived as inappropriately personal and egotistical in the attention that the poet pays to “moods of…

Gothic Evolutions
The texts in this unique collection range from the Gothic Revival of the late eighteenth century through to the late Victorian gothic, and from the poetry of Wordsworth and Coleridge to the short fiction of H.G. Wells and Henry James. Genres represented include medievalist poetry, psychological thrillers, dark political dystopias, sinister tales of social corruption,…

The Broadview Introduction to Literature – Second Edition
Designed for courses taught at the introductory level in Canadian universities and colleges, this new anthology provides a rich selection of literary texts. Unlike many other such anthologies, it includes literary non-fiction as well as poetry, short fiction, and drama. In each genre the anthology includes a vibrant mix of classic and contemporary works. Each…

The Monk
The Monk is the most sensational of Gothic novels. The main plot concerns Ambrosio, an abbot of irreproachable holiness, who is seduced by a woman (or perhaps a demon) disguised as a novice, and who goes on to sell his soul to the Devil. An extravagant blend of sex, death, politics, Satanism, and poetry, the…

The Broadview Anthology of Romantic Drama
The London theatres arguably were the central cultural institutions in England during the Romantic period, and certainly were arenas in which key issues of the time were contested. While existing anthologies of Romantic drama have focused almost exclusively on “closet dramas” rarely performed on stage, The Broadview Anthology of Romantic Drama instead provides a broad…

Charlotte Smith: Major Poetic Works
Immensely popular with contemporary readers, Smith’s major poetic works are foundational texts of the Romantic period. Smith’s innovations in poetic form have also placed her at the forefront of twenty-first-century scholarship on the period. This edition presents her three major poetic works—Elegiac Sonnets (1784–1800), The Emigrants (1793), and Beachy Head (1807). While the significance of…

The Broadview Anthology of Romantic Poetry
Intended for courses with a major focus on poetry during the Romantic period, this volume includes all the poetry selections from Volume 4 of The Broadview Anthology of British Literature, along with a number of works newly edited for this volume. The Broadview Anthology of Romantic Poetry maintains the Broadview Anthology of British Literature’s characteristic…

Edgar Allan Poe: Selected Poetry and Tales
Edgar Allan Poe’s stories and poems are among the most haunting and indelible in American literature, but critics for decades persisted in seeing Poe as an anomaly, or even an anachronism. His works, with their bizarrely motivated characters and mysterious settings, did not seem to be a part of the literature of early nineteenth-century America.…

Poems: A Concise Anthology
Presenting a broad range of fully annotated selections from the long history of poetry in English, this anthology provides a rich and extensive resource for teaching traditional canons and forms as well as experimental and alternate trajectories (such as Language poetry and prose poetry). In addition to a chronological table of contents suited to a…

Writing and Workshopping Poetry: A Constructive Introduction
Most texts on creative writing emphasize either sources of inspiration or strategies for editing. The process of getting from initial inspiration to final draft isn’t often dealt with in any practical way. Writing and Workshopping Poetry focuses on all three phases of the process of composition: finding the material; building and developing the poem from…

The Broadview Introduction to Literature: Poetry – Second Edition
Designed for courses taught at the introductory level in Canadian universities and colleges, this new anthology provides a rich selection of literary texts. Unlike many other such anthologies, it includes literary non-fiction as well as poetry, short fiction, and drama. In each genre the anthology includes a vibrant mix of classic and contemporary works. Each…