The Broadview Editions Bookshelf
The Broadview Editions Bookshelf provides digital access to over 450 meticulously edited works of literature. For more than 30 years, Broadview’s editions have presented classic works of literature, both canonical and lesser-known, in a reader-friendly format with scholarly introductions, footnotes, and appendices to situate each work in its historical and cultural moment. This new digital…
The Broadview British Bookshelf
The Broadview British Bookshelf provides digital access to over 330 meticulously edited works of British Literature. For more than 30 years, Broadview’s editions have presented classic works of literature, both canonical and lesser-known, in a reader-friendly format with scholarly introductions, footnotes, and appendices to situate each work in its historical and cultural moment. This new…

Nature and Art
Nature and Art commands a central place in the history of the English Jacobin novel. Published in 1796, the story explores the opposition between the upbringing and actions of Henry Norwynne, an unspoiled “child of nature” who has been reared without books on an African island, and the corrupt conduct of his aristocratic older cousin,…

The Broadview Anthology of Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Drama – Second Edition
This exciting second edition provides an exceptional range of plays edited by leading scholars of Restoration and eighteenth-century theatre. In addition to fifteen plays from the first edition are four new plays and one new afterpiece: Nathaniel Lee’s The Rival Queens, John Vanbrugh’s The Provoked Wife, David Garrick’s Miss in Her Teens, Richard Cumberland’s The…
Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790) Edmund Burke Moral Tales (18th C and early 19th C) Maria Edgeworth, Hannah More, Amelia Opie Jane Austen’s Manuscript Works (18th C) Sense and Sensibility (1811) Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice, second edition (1813) Jane Austen Mansfield Park (1814) Jane Austen Emma (1816) Jane Austen Persuasion (1816 /…

The Broadview Anthology of Romantic Drama
The London theatres arguably were the central cultural institutions in England during the Romantic period, and certainly were arenas in which key issues of the time were contested. While existing anthologies of Romantic drama have focused almost exclusively on “closet dramas” rarely performed on stage, The Broadview Anthology of Romantic Drama instead provides a broad…

The Broadview Anthology of Literature of the Revolutionary Period 1770-1832
The selections from 132 authors in this anthology represent gender, social class, and racial and national origin as inclusively as possible, providing both greater context for canonical works and a sense of the era’s richness and diversity. In terms of genre, poetry, non-fiction prose, philosophy, educational writing, and prose fiction are included. Geographically, America, Canada,…

A Simple Story
After its publication in early 1791, A Simple Story was widely read in England and abroad, going into a second edition in March of the same year. The novel’s young heroine, Miss Milner, scandalously declares herself in love with her guardian, Dorriforth, a Catholic priest. Dorriforth returns her love and is released from his vows.…

Fleetwood is a pivotal novel of early English Romanticism and a powerful critique of the Romantic emotionalism being spread across Europe in Rousseau’s name. Godwin’s “new man of feeling” chronicles the impact of his “natural” education in the wilds of Wales, and his behavior allows Godwin to draw attention to an array of contemporary social…

The Wonder
Susanna Centlivre’s play The Wonder (1714) was one of the most popular works on the eighteenth-century English stage. Set in Lisbon, the plot interweaves two romantic intrigues around one “secret”: the heroine Violante is hiding her best friend, Isabella (who is the sister of her own lover, Don Felix) from Isabella’s father who wishes to…