Medieval Period Editions

Showing 25–29 of 29 results

  • Cleanness

    This edition provides a new facing-page translation of an important Middle English alliterative poem, generally attributed to the author of Sir Gawain and the Green…

  • The History of the Kings of Britain

    The History of the Kings of Britain is arguably the most influential text written in England in the Middle Ages. The work narrates a linear…

  • The Alexandreis

    Walter of Châtillon’s Latin epic on the life of Alexander the Great was a twelfth- and thirteenth-century “best-seller:” scribes produced over two hundred manuscripts. The…

  • The Distaff Gospels

    The Distaff Gospels (Les Évangiles des Quenouilles), a fascinating fifteenth-century collection of more than 250 popular beliefs, constitutes a kind of encyclopedia of late medieval…

  • Sir Gawain and the Green Knight – Facing Page Translation

    The fourteenth-century poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is one of the greatest classics of English literature, but one of the least accessible to…