World Literature and Works in Translation


The Odyssey: Selections (8th C BCE) Homer
The Trojan Women (4th C BCE) Euripides
The Apology and Related Dialogues (4th C BCE) Plato
Philebus(4th C BCE) Plato
Beowulf, second edition (c. 1000)
The History of the Kings of Britain (12th C) Geoffrey of Monmouth
The Four Branches of The Mabinogi (c.1100)
The Lais of Marie de France (12th C)
The Alexandreis (c.1175) Walter of Châtillon
The Wooing of Our Lord (13th C)
Thomas Aquinas: Basic Philosophical Writings (13th C)
Quest of the Holy Grail(13th C)
The Decameron: Selected Tales (1350) Giovanni Boccaccio
Pearl (14th C)
Richard Coeur de Lion (14th C)
Cleanness (14th C)
The Siege of Jerusalem (14th C) (BABL Edition)
The Works of Gwerful Mechain (late 15th C) (BABL Edition)
The Distaff Gospels (1470)
Utopia (1516) Thomas More (BABL Edition)
Meditations on First Philosophy (1642) René Descartes
Paradise Lost: Parallel Prose Edition (1667) John Milton
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Fundamental Political Writings (1750-1762)
Candide (1759) Voltaire
The Travels of Hildebrand Bowman (1778)
On Perpetual Peace (1795) Immanuel Kant
Bug-Jargal (1826) Victor Hugo
The Communist Manifesto (1848) Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
Notes from the Underground (1864) Fyodor Dostoevsky
A Doll’s House (1879) Henrik Ibsen
The Story of an African Farm (1883) Olive Schreiner
Dreams (1890) Olive Schreiner
The Death of Ivan Ilyich (1886) Leo Tolstoy
Hadji Murat (1904) Leo Tolstoy
Guanya Pau (1891) Joseph Jeffrey Walters
My Brilliant Career (1901) Sarah Miles Franklin
Are They Women? (1901) Aimée Duc
The Red Laugh and The Abyss (1904, 1902) Leonid Andreyev
The Metamorphosis and Other Stories (1910s-1920s) Franz Kafka
Castle Wetterstein (1912) Frank Wedekind
Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920) Sigmund Freud
The Future of an Illusion (1927) Sigmund Freud
Civilization and Its Discontents (1930) Sigmund Freud
Branded (1920) Emmy Hennings
We (1921) Yevgeny Zamyatin
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1921) Ludwig Wittgenstein (Canada and US only)
Between Two Worlds (1925) Miriam Tlali

Bolded titles are either recently published or scheduled for publication before the end of the year.

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