Table of Contents


1. Introducing Genre

1A Hearing Voices
1B Hearing Genres
1C High School vs. University Writing
1D The University as Research Institution

2. Citation and Summary

2A Introducing Scholarly Citation
2B Is Citation Unique to Scholarly Writing?
2C Why Do Scholars Use Citation?

3. Summary

3A Noting for Gist
3B Recording Levels
3C Using Gist and Levels of Generality to Write Summary
3D Establishing the Summarizer’s Position
3E Reporting Reporting
3F Experts and Non-experts

4. Difficult Situations for Summarizers

4A High Country
4B Low Country
4C Narrative: A Special Kind of Difficult Situation

5. Definition

5A Dictionaries
5B Appositions
5C Sustained Definitions
5D The Social Profile of Abstractions and Their Different Roles in Different Disciplines

6. Orchestrating Voices, Making Arrangements for Speakers

6A Orchestrating Scholarly Voices
6B Identifying Different Genres and Orchestrating Non-Scholarly Voices

7. Readers Reading: Part One

7A Who Do You Think You’re Talking To?
7B Attitudes Toward Language
7C Traditions of Commentary on Student Writing
7D Alternative to Traditional Commentary: The Think-Aloud Protocol
7E Adapting the Think-Aloud Protocol in the Writing Classroom
7F Reading on Behalf of Others
7G Reliability of Readers

8. Readers Reading: Part Two

8A Think-Aloud and Genre Theory
8B The Mental Desktop
8C Readers Read

9. Scholarly Styles

9A Common and Uncommon Sense
9B Is Scholarly Writing Unnecessarily Complicated, Exclusionary, or Elitist?
9C Nominal Style: Syntactic Density
9D Nominal Style: Ambiguity
9E Sentence Style and Textual Coherence
9F Messages about the Argument
9G The Discursive I
9H Forecasts and Emphasis
9I Presupposing vs. Asserting

10. Making and Maintaining Knowledge

10A Making Knowledge
10B Method Sections
10C Qualitative Method and Subject Position
10D Modality
10E Other Markers of the Status of Knowledge
10F Tense and the Story of Research

11. Introductions and Conclusions

11A Generalization and Citation
11B Reported Speech
11C Documentation
11D Introductions: State of Knowledge and the Knowledge Deficit
11E Student Versions of the Knowledge Deficit
11F Conclusions: State of Knowledge and the Knowledge Deficit

Further Readings

Posted on October 29, 2015